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梅尔顿说,他可以告诉他之前,甚至会从床上什么样的一天将是。Melton says he can tell before he even gets out of bed what kind of day it's going to be.

这是件好事,因为凡是所需的此外两个基因能促发癌症。The Melton team used retroviruses to carry the two genes in but suggest they might not be necessary.

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“如果我在高中,我不能想象比干细胞更加有趣的事情了,”Melton说。"If I were in high school, I can't imagine anything more interesting than stem cells, " says Melton.

过敏症患者史蒂夫梅尔顿做什么,他能避免接触到春季花粉,但它几乎是不可能的。Allergy sufferer Steve Melton does what he can to avoid exposure to spring pollens, but it's nearly impossible.

就好像一个科学家可以直接变成一个律师,而不必返回幼儿园重新成长一遍。It's like a scientist becoming a lawyer without having to go back to kindergarten and grow up again, Melton says.

几个小时后,他的脸色变得灰败,随即Melton和他的妻子Gail带着他们的宝贝去了急诊室。After several hours, he started to turn gray, and Melton and his wife Gail brought the baby to the emergency room.

有帽子的挥棒的利亚姆调用列侬和神奇的沉重梅尔顿大衣,他称之为山上的傻瓜。There is the majorette hat that Liam calls the Lennon and the fantastic heavy melton coat that he calls The Fool on The Hill.

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梅尔顿莫布雷的地理位置或许是招不到的人障碍。但这地方的猪肉馅饼可是出了名的。你还想怎样?Melton Mowbray may have been the stumbling block, but this is the place that is famous for the porkpie. What more could you ask for?

但是一个非常私人的经历使得Melton进入干细胞领域,即使在17年以后他依然发现很难去讨论这件事。But it was a very personal experience that brought Melton to stem cells, one that 17 years later he still finds difficult to discuss.

34岁的Melton和Johnson已经积累了近10年的成功经验,他们熟知这个行业,有许多窍门可以分享。With nearly a decade of success behind them, Melton and Johnson, both 34, have mastered the industry and have plenty of tips to share.

瓦尔科辛辛那提将推销其热熔部门的联合品牌舒尔,胶水,梅尔顿在美国和欧洲梅尔顿。Valco Cincinnati will be marketing its hot-melt division as the co-branded Shure -Glue-Melton in the United States and as Melton in Europe.

夫妇俩回忆当时的情况说,罪犯用枪指着基思梅尔顿,他本能地向大厅里退,后来绊了一下跌倒了。According to the couple, when the assailant pointed a gun at him, Keith Melton instinctively started walking backward down the hall until he tripped and fell.

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在重复马凯的实验时发现,这些细胞只是吸收了培养基中的胰岛素,而非自己制造胰岛素。Melton of Harvard University reproduced McKay's experiment and found that the cells had absorbed insulin from their culture medium rather than producing it themselves.

“虽然这种比较可能会导致虚假的排除结论,但更重要的是,它也无法得出联系存在的虚假结论,这种保守的法律立场是恰如其分的,”梅尔顿博士说。“While this could result in a false exclusion, more importantly it could not result in a false inclusion, which is the appropriately conservative legal stance, ” Dr. Melton said.

房屋建筑者十分乐于卖掉自己的房子,并且他们中的很多人会跟贷方合作,共同草拟协议,以吸引首次买房者。Lenders such as Melton Mowbray and Saffron building societies and the Woolwich – owned by Barclays – have linked with the likes of Taylor Wimpey and Bovis to offer 95 per cent loans.

梅尔顿及其同事们利用病毒把小鼠胰腺中的三种基因激活,发现某些通常不产生胰岛素的细胞转变成产生胰岛素的细胞。Melton and colleagues used a virus to turn on three genes in the mouse pancreas and found that some cells that do not normally produce insulin transformed into cells that do produce insulin.