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西班牙以斗牛出名。Spain is famous for its bullfight.

斗牛起源于西班牙。The bullfight originated in Spain.

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海明威的许多主人翁喜欢斗牛。Many of Hemingway's heroes love bullfight.

海明威的许多主人翁喜欢斗牛。Many of Hemingway's heroses love bullfight.

无疑,斗牛只是西班牙生活中的一个部分。The bullfight is surely only a part of Spanish life.

今天打斗牛输啦1500块钱郁闷死了。Today play bullfight lose 1500 dollars depressing dead.

只有职业选手才可以在斗牛时进入竞技场。Only professionals can get in the ring during a bullfight.

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让我们打一些人一起打半场的篮球赛。Let's get a few people together for a half-court bullfight.

他在这两个人面前放了两张斗牛的表演票。He put down in front of the two men tickets for a bullfight.

整个市镇都张贴着斗牛的广告。There were posters advertising the bullfight pasted up all over the town.

在秘鲁阿雷基帕一场斗牛赛中,相机的缓速曝光将这张公牛的攻击姿势拍得模糊不清。A slow exposure blurs the charge of a bull at a bullfight in Arequipa, Peru.

西班牙上一个因斗牛而死亡的斗牛士是若泽·库贝罗,那是1985年的事儿了。The last matador to die in a bullfight in Spain was Jose Cubero, or Yiyo, in 1985.

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最终斗牛士将它赶回了斗牛场,而这头牛在之后的斗牛中被杀死。Matadors eventually herded him back into the ring where he was later killed in the bullfight.

24日,约250名示威者聚集在西班牙马德里的凡塔斯斗牛场,半裸抗议斗牛的血腥行为。About 250 seminude animal rights activists gathered in Madrid, Spain, Sunday to protest a bullfight.

走私贩子将两人分开,艾斯卡米罗邀请所有人,特别是卡门,一起观看他下一次斗牛。The smugglers separate them, and Escamillo invites everyone, Carmen in particular, to his next bullfight.

苗族斗牛是指人们让两头水牯牛以角相抵斗以争胜论负的活动,被称为“东方式斗牛”。Miao Minority bullfight refers to the man-made fight between two bulls, which is called "oriental bullfight".

西班牙斗牛士的阴影中丹尼尔卢克在舞台玛埃斯特朗萨在塞维利亚,2009年4月29日斗牛。Shadow of a Spanish bullfighter Daniel Luke during a bullfight in the arena Maestranza in Seville, 29 April 2009.

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在塞维尔马艾斯特兰扎斗牛场,西班牙斗牛士丹尼尔·卢克杀死一头公牛。Spanish matador Daniel Luque is seen after killing a bull during a bullfight in The Maestranza bullring in Seville.

西班牙马背斗牛士塞尔吉奥·加兰在马德里的拉斯维加斯斗牛场进行斗牛表演。Spanish rejoneador or mounted bullfighter Sergio Galan performs during his bullfight at Las Ventas bullring in Madrid.

西班牙斗牛士何塞玛丽亚曼萨纳雷斯执行一通牛市期间,2011年8月26日,在西班牙东南部阿尔梅里亚,的斗牛。Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria southeastern Spain August 26 2011.