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它能自发进行吗?Does it happen of its own accord?

他的言行一致。His actions accord with his words.

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我在找一部06年式的本田雅哥。I'm looking for a 2006 Honda Accord.

你的言行不一致。Your words and actions do not accord.

他的言行并不一致。His words don't accord with his actions.

老师们异口同声地称赞他。The teachers praised him with one accord.

凡此种种皆不利良好睡眠。All that would ill accord with good sleep.

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他自行停用地尔硫卓治疗。He had stopped diltiazem on his own accord.

双方签署了和平协议,但之后一切如故。A peace accord was signed, but little changed.

努力和成就总是相辅相承的。Effort and achievement are always in full accord.

我们所了解的情况与他的报告不一致。Our information does not accord with his reports.

关于周末郊游他们达成了脆弱的一致意见。They reached a fragile accord on weekend outings.

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一辆1999年本田雅阁启动出了问题。A 1999 Honda Accord is proving difficult to start.

他的行为与他的原则不相符合。His behaviour does not accord with his principles.

最近又有个例子印证了这一魔咒。There is another example in accord with the curse.

并对哥本哈根协议仍然保持怀疑。And they remain skeptical of the Copenhagen Accord.

诺曼底登陆是广泛国际合作的结果。D-Day was the result of broad international accord.

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中华文化有尚“和”的传统。The Chinese culture advocates "harmony and accord".

满足了数字化心电图机的需要。It accord with demand of digital electrocardiograph.

推免生要符合哪些条件?。Push avoid unripe what condition should accord with?