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从本质上来说,它都具有更强的可分析性。It's inherently more analyzable.

为银行打工就一定是罪恶吗?Is working for a bank inherently evil?

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我认为,人人生来势利。I think everyone's inherently snobbish.

曼恩法案就是一部彻头彻尾的种族主义法案。The Mann Act is an inherently racist law.

比萨本身其实含有营养,而且管饱。Pizza is inherently nutritious and filling.

冬景总是呈现出冷色调。Winter scenes are inherently cool in color.

因为仪式本身没有罪。There's nothing sinful about it, inherently.

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这一趋势本来对卫生并无害处。This trend is not inherently bad for health.

其丰富结构的本质便在于此。Its structure of abundance is inherently there.

数据流分析本质上是流分析。Data-flow analysis is inherently flow-sensitive.

有些东西本来就很浪漫,比如红心。Some things are inherently romantic, like hearts.

罪恶没有什么内在的超能力。There's nothing inherently supernatural about sin.

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消防工作本身是一项危险的职业。Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation.

传统的发电方式有着固有的浪费性。Traditional electricity generation is inherently wasteful.

“革命是绝对不可预料到的,”Kurzman说。"Revolutions are inherently unpredictable, " says Kurzman.

我也被警告过他们都是天生的男性至上主义者。I've also been warned that they were all inherently sexist.

与谷类相比,块茎天生高产。Compared with grains, tubers are inherently more productive.

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但过渡时期的预测根本不可靠。But forecasts at times of transition are inherently unreliable.

圣灵的救赎工作,本质上是末世性的。Redemptive work of the Holy Spirit is inherently eschatological.

这种软的刹把天生更难于控制。This type of soft lever is inherently more difficult to control.