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登一座山,在沙漠里兜风,赤着脚漫步在草地上。Climb a mountain. Ride in a dune buggy.

风吹沙子形成的小山。Dune A hill or ridge of wind-blown sand.

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我的LED照明灯点燃了白色的沙丘。My LED headlamp lit the white sand dune.

那个沙丘是大自然的鬼斧神工。That sand dune is a splendid work of nature.

可爱的吉姆在六月天坐在沙丘上吃着话梅。Cute Jim sat on the dune eating a prune in June.

在纳米比亚的索苏斯盐沼,两个远足旅客攀登沙丘45。Two hikers climb Dune 45 at Sossusvlei, Namibia.

所以,谁知道呢?赢家可能是某个驾驶沙滩车的人。So who knows—one person with a dune buggy may win it.

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这个小沙丘是由风吹来的干沙子形成的。The little dune is formed with loose dry sand by wind.

黄昏时候,他们终于在一个高高的沙丘顶上发现了那两个人。By dusk they finally found the two men on top of a high dune.

我看到浮在沙峰上的雾,钮扣甲虫和鸟儿。I see fog suspended at dune peaks, button beetles, and birds.

只要享用过一顿杜拜郊外的「沙丘晚餐」,就能证明你的想法不对。Enjoying a "dune dinner" outside of Dubai will prove you wrong.

沙丘不同部位表层导温率也有很大的差别。The temperature conductivities of dune positions are much different.

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这个信息对沙丘治理项目可能有所帮助。The information may be useful for a proposed dune restoration project.

进食后,我徒步到密歇根湖和坐起来,在一个大沙丘。After eating, I hiked to Lake Michigan, and sat up on a large sand dune.

它们通常沿着沙丘与坡面间的分界线分布。They often form along the boundary between the dune and thesurface below.

我发现我的墨西哥马克西的礼服,腰间是拓扑肖普和我的鞋是沙丘。I found my maxi dress in Mexico, my belt is Topshop and my shoes are Dune.

其一贯特征就是那条被推入湖中的长而窄的沙丘。The long, skinny dune field pushing into the lake is a persistent feature.

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师傅告诉他,沙丘上出现的男子便是她命定的另一半。Master told him, dune appeared on the man is her destined for another half.

实际上,其中一些问题对黄土塬和沙漠地区也有某种共性。Some of the problems are in fact common to loess plateaus and dune deserts.

现在这里却是游客游玩的地方,在列车员的带领之下,我们爬上了一个巨大的沙丘。Now it is a tourist playground. Led by train staff, we climb a massive dune.