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这都是题外话。All this is a digression.

呵呵,我们扯得有点远了。Okay, too long of a digression.

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我过我的题外话题外话。I digressed off of my digression.

让我赶紧结束这次跑题。Let me just finish this digression.

让我再跑题一下。Let me go into another litter digression.

这里有必要加一点题外的话。Here a short digression becomes necessary.

但是,为了回报这个痛苦的题外话。But to return from this painful digression.

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他们对她离题的话显得有点不耐烦。They are a little impatient at her digression.

我还想说一点题外话可以吗。However, here, I want to say a light digression.

宽恕吧,我祈祷,这不合理的偏离早让她曾做了一回女人。Forgive, I pray you, this inconsequent digression by what was once a woman.

当发言人第三次开始扯到题外去时,听众了出喊声,使他讲不下去。The audience cried the speaker down as soon as he started on a third digression.

当发言人第三次扯到题外去时听众发出喊声,使他讲不下去。The audience cried the speaker down as soon as he started on a third digression.

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所以,孩子们的偶而“闲话”应该理解,予以宽容。So, the children are even and " digression " should understand , give tolerantly.

在第一次偏离航向后,我们花了四天时间回到了原地。We needed four days after the first digression to reach the place we had already been.

在这题外话之后,是第七道印,相当虎头蛇尾。Then after that digression then you have this seventh seal which is really kind of anticlimactic.

是的,我在为康奥纳大法官工作,而我被一种一切都偏离的感觉所缠绕。There I was, clerking for Justice O'Connor, and I was haunted by a feeling that it was all a digression.

前四道印用一系列可怕灾难作铺垫,第五道印是给人以安慰的题外话。You have these four building up of terrible things, and the fifth is a digression that gives you comfort.

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龄组结构的变化在垂直分带和坡度上呈递减趋势,在坡向上无明显分异。The variety of age structure has the digression trend in the elevation and slope, but haven't obvious rule in slope.

通过描写这些封印,他营造出一种渐增的,焦虑和灾难,不过第五道封印是个题外话。He's created an increasing level of anxiety and catastrophe with this, but that fifth seal there's kind of a digression.

第五道印实际上是题外话,它告诉读者,如果你现在正遭受不幸,上帝会来救你的。The fifth seal is actually a digression that tells you, the audience,that if you suffer in this present time it will be taken care of by God.