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并且他们刚刚在一个月的培训中学会了怎样操作消防车。And they’d completed a monthlong course to learn how to operate the fire engines.

在印度全国范围内进行,持续一个月的大选经常被称为世界上最大的民主实践。India’s monthlong nationwide election is often called the world’s largest exercise in democracy.

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在长达一个月的世界杯比赛中,陈词滥调和例行演讲已成惯例。In the monthlong run-up to South Africa’s World Cup, platitudes and speeches were the rule of each day.

有关官员表示,对撞机仍会按计划于今年秋季展开为期一个月的质子对撞实验。Officials said the collider would still take a planned monthlong break from colliding protons this fall.

为了更好地理解我所学的课程里的理论,我参加了在萨内加尔和加蓬的一个月长的讲座。To better understand the theories I was studying in my courses, I attended a monthlong seminar in Senegal and Gambia.

在长达一个月的艺术节开始,上周五,与客家之歌与舞党在客家民俗文化博物馆在龙岗。The monthlong festival started last Friday with a Hakka song and dance party at the Hakka Folk Culture Museum in Longgang.

所以他认为NBA为拉丁美洲球迷的准备的一个月推广活动是很自然的举措,为了向全美的拉丁美裔球迷致敬。So he thinks the NBA's monthlong Noche Latina promotion is a natural move to honor the Latin communities across the country.

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美元长达一个月的回升可能将遭受考验,先要过古斯塔夫飓风这一关,接下来是本周末发表的美国就业报告。The dollar's monthlong recovery could be put to the test, first by Hurricane Gustav and at the end of the week by the U. S. jobs report.

在2008年1月21日的声明中,IAI公司称公司工程师开始了广泛的、几乎整月的一系列在轨测试,以验证卫星性能。In a Jan. 21 statement, IAI said company engineers began an extensive, nearly monthlong series of in-orbit tests to verify satellite performance.

美国股市下滑标志着,股市终止了长达一月的上涨势头,今年9月成为了美国股市历史上表现最为强劲的9月份。The decline in U.S. stocks marked another pause in a monthlong rally that has made this September one of the strongest for U.S. stocks in history.

本周一,意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼在受伤休养一个月后重返忙碌的政治日程。老贝在之前的一次遇袭事件中…Premier Silvio Berlusconi returned to a busy political schedule Monday after a monthlong recovery from an attack that broke his nose and two teeth.

由于众议院将休会一个月,所以任何对计划的改变都会导致汽车折扣被逼暂停至九月休会期结束为止。Any alternations to the program would have forced a suspension in the auto discounts until September, when the House returns from a monthlong recess.

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印度格茹威尔Punnathur宫殿内为期一月的夏令营旨在帮助这些大象通过休养生息和健康饮食恢复身体。The monthlong camp at Punnathur Palace in Guruvayur is intented to help these elephants regain their health through a regimen of rest and a healthy diet.

神舟十一号飞船上的两名中国航天员已完成在天宫二号空间实验室长达一个月的驻留,返回地球。The two Chinese astronauts on the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft have completed their monthlong stay in the Tiangong-2 space laboratory and returned to the Earth.

高的ALT值可能是肝脏损害的一个讯号,但是其它测试显示,大多数学生在整个月的研究期间并没有发展脂肪肝疾病。High ALT levels can be a sign of liver damage. But other tests show that most of the students didn't develop fatty liver disease during the monthlong study.

随着印度历时一个月的全国大选接近尾声,局势动荡的克什米尔有很多选民不顾抵制大选的呼吁,周四在警卫森严之下前去投票。Many voters in troubled Kashmir defied a call for a boycott and headed to the polls Thursday amid tight security, as India neared the end of its monthlong national elections.

阿玛勒·萨达的家人告诉美联社记者,自从阿玛勒在1999年底嫁给本拉登,他们只见过她一次。Amal al-Sada's family told The Associated Press that they saw her only once after her marriage in late 1999 to the al-Qaeda leader – during a monthlong visit to Afghanistan the following year.