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你说这些谎话就降低了身份。You debase yourself by telling such lies.

如果你不能还债,那就把降低币值。If you can't pay your debts, debase your currency.

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我们信任央行不会降低货币的价值。We trust that the central bank does not debase it.

这些都会使系统的捕获性能降低。All these factors strongly debase the acquisitive performance.

名牌泛滥,淡化、庸俗化了名酒形象。Second, famous brand, fade, the flood debase the famous image.

我们可以把我们的生命雕刻成美的,也可将它贬为丑。We can sculpt our existence into somethin beautiful, or debase it into ugliness.

斑蝥素治疗肝癌可减轻症状,降低甲胎蛋白含量。Cantharidin can lighten symptom of hepatic carcinoma and debase the content of AFP.

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所有的货币都建立在信心的基础上,相信货币发行当局不会使货币贬值。All currencies are based on trust, trust that the issuing authority will not debase the currency.

庞恭走后,一些平时对他心怀不满的人开始在魏王面前说他的坏话。After minister Panggong left, some people who disliked him started to debase him in front of the Emperor Wei.

她写道,女性被后造出来并不能,为压制女性尊严做论证。She writes, Woman's being created last will not be a very great argument to debase the dignity of the female sex.

中国及其他国家担忧美国的政策立场将导致美元这个全球经济的至要贬值.China, among others, frets that the U.S. policy stance will debase the dollar, the lynchpin of the global economy.

为了计算项目集的支持度,提出了数据库特征矩阵和特征矢量的概念。To calculate the support of an item-set the authors define characteristic matrix and characteristic vector of debase.

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因此对分析模型简化,但这并不能降低所得结论的价值以及其对工程实际的指导意义。So the analytical model is predigested, but this does not debase the value of the conclusion and the sense for the practise engineering.

我唯一担心的是,没有什么人类已经在过去,政治家们总是找到一种方法,滥用和贬低它的问题。My only worry is that, no matter what mankind has come up with in the past, politicians have always found a way to abuse it and debase it.

生命是原材料。我们是匠人,我们可以反生命雕刻成美,也可以将它贬底为丑,一切都在我们手中。Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It's in our hands.

生命是原材料。我们是匠人。我们可以把我们的生命雕刻成美,也可以将它贬为丑。一切都掌握在我们手中。--拜特。Life is raw material. We are artisans. We can sculpt our existence into something beautiful, or debase it into ugliness. It's in our hands. --Better.

黄公是齐国人,他有一个毛病,就是一位谦虚甚至到了不顾实际、刻意贬低自己的地步。Huang Gong was a citizen of the state of Qi, whose shortcoming was his excessive modesty 1 to such an extent as to debase himself in spite of the fact.

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长期饮酒可使蛋白-C水平降低,抗凝功能下降,血栓形成的危险性增加。Long-term drink can reduce the level of Protein-C, debase the function of anti-blood coagulation system, which can increase the fatalness of thrombosis.

本文考虑了体全息存储信道的非线性特点,提出了页内串扰的模型,并引入了盲均衡化的方法来降低页内串扰。In this paper, we present an ISI model in which we consider the nonlinear nature of the channel and introduce blind equalization method to debase the ISI.

对蔬菜漂烫过程中营养成分的损失、酶活性的变化、褐变、护绿等多种因素进行综合考察,以获得了即食型脱水蔬菜漂烫最佳工艺参数。The authors determined the change of nutrition, enzyme, chlorophyll and so on after blanching, and got the best debase of blanching on vegetable resource.