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为什么附着甲壳动物和帽贝粘附在岩石上?Why do barnacles and limpets stick themselves to rocks?

他写了不少对以后发展有很大影响的书,关于兰花的,昆虫的,藤壶的以及珊瑚的。He wrote seminal books on orchids, insects, barnacles and corals.

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或者你有没有认为受爱情之苦才是终极流行的?Or have you decided that barnacles are the ultimate fashionista statement?

“荷兰人号”的船员们身上布满了藤壶和鳞片,与其说是人倒不如说是怪物。The crew of the Dutchman was covered in barnacles and scales — more monster than human.

换句话说,像藤壶、海葵这类动物都可搭乘垃圾漂浮物这台“顺风车”从近海出发抵达远海。In other words, creatures like barnacles and anemones are hitching rides from the shore to the middle of the ocean.

此外,藤壶纯粹是将胶质分泌出来,而海虾则是通过一根与蜘蛛类似的吐丝管来分泌粘性物质。In addition, whereas barnacles just ooze out their cement, Crassicorophium processes its material in a spider-like spinning duct.

平均盐度超过19的潮滩上藤壶危害明显加重,影响了秋茄幼苗的正常生长。If the average seawater salinity exceeded 19, the harmfulness of barnacles to growth of Kandelia candel seedlings would aggravate obviously.

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许多固著性强的生物会生活在礁岩区,像是有如火山口的藤壶。Some living things with great fixity would live in the Reef and gravel area, such as the barnacles with holes that look like craters of volcanoes.

沃拉斯博士对Crassicorophium的考察表明,分泌这种物质的腺体与藤壶用来分泌藤壶胶的腺体相类似。Dr Vollrath's examination of Crassicorophium showed that the material is secreted by glands similar to those used by barnacles to make their cement.

与鲸类和海牛这些海生哺乳动物不同,鲨鱼的皮肤不会附生海藻或藤壶,这可能要归结于其皮肤上被称之为“肤齿”的微小鳞屑。Unlike the skin of whales and manatees, shark skin doesn’t pick up algae or barnacles. This seems to be due to little scales called “dermal denticles.”

随著程式设计师修正程式码的错误,又加入新的特性,软体总是越变越复杂,发生错误与效率不彰的机会也就更多了。As programmers debug the code and insert new features, the software invariably grows barnacles of complexity, creating more opportunities for errors and inefficient operation.

而潮间带却能展示出生物带的分布——从底部的海草到生长海葵,贻贝和海生甲壳类的地带再到顶部的帽贝——一切都在几步的范围内。The intertidal strip displayszonation—from the sea grass at the bottom up through strata of sea anemones andmussels and barnacles to the limpets at the top—all within a few steps.

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由北往南随着纬度的降低,污损性无柄蔓足类的附着期明显延长,甚至出现全年均可附着的现象,而且其种类数量也有所增加。Due to the decrease of latitude from north to south, the settlement period of fouling extends even to the whole year. The species numbers of fouling acorn barnacles also increased.

纹藤壶在北方的渤海、黄海海区是主要的致污种类,网纹藤壶则在东海和南海沿岸海区占绝对优势。However, the predominant species of acorn barnacles is B. reticulatus in the East China Sea and South China Sea. The settlement period of fouling acorn barnacles is usually in summer and autumn.

世界各国研究者想研究出,火山活动的增加与诸如虾,蟹,帽贝以及一些小甲克类海洋生物的增多是否有直接联系。International researchers want to figure out if there's a direct connection between the growing volcano activity and the increase in marine life there, such as shrimp, crab, limpets and barnacles.