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出席盛会的还有一头长着长角的肉牛和一只叫作斯库特的犰狳。A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter.

长角牛是德州大学的吉祥物,全家人都很热爱。The longhorn is the Texas mascot and a passion of the family.

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在长角牛饲养上,则称为牛群改善。In longhorn ranching, the equivalent is called improving the herd.

那是他以前的身份,那时他拥有许多土地和多头有血统证明书的长角牛。That was what he was, with a big spread of acres and many head of registered longhorn cattle.

当时的许多专家也都表示Longhorn将彻底改变操作系统的样子。Many pundits of the time said that Longhorn would completely change the face of operating systems.

这是鲍尔默进入21世纪以来第四次宣称Longhorn即将发布。This made the fourth time in the 21st century that Ballmer had announced that Longhorn would be released soon.

花绒寄甲是大型天牛类林木蛀干害虫最为有效的天敌昆虫。Dastarcus helophoroides was the most effective natural enemy against the large-body longhorn beetles attacking trees.

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中国贵州省的长角苗人长期与世隔绝,保持着传统的习俗。Isolated from the rest of the world until recently, the Longhorn Miao people of Guizhou, China, maintain long-held customs.

还有“贝沃”,学校的吉祥物—一头长角小公牛,人们把它带来作为今天下午的主角,让得州大学队的球迷们开心。And Bevo, the school mascot, a longhorn bull which is brought out to preside over the afternoon to the delight of the UT fans.

支持LDDM并不代表您的机器能运行新的Aero用户界面。Support for LDDM doesn't insure that PCs will be able to run Aero, Microsoft's next-generation Longhorn user interface, Croft noted.

尽管角箱鲀游动时似乎看上去像一个气垫船,但是它可不像碰碰车那么有趣----虽然它外表看起来很像。Although the Longhorn Cowfish tends to look like a hovercraft when it's moving along, it's not quite as fun as the Bumper Car-esque exterior it tends to exude.

他们都是熟练且无惧的骑马手,他们都曾沿著小径将长角牛从墨西哥及德州赶到怀俄明,以便将牛肉提供给驻扎在怀俄明境内的各个军事兵营。They were skilled and fearless horsemen who herded longhorn cattle up the trails from Mexico and Texas to provide beef to various military posts in the Wyoming territory.

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揭示林木抗虫机制,培育具有抗虫特性的新品种是杨树天牛综合管理体系的基础。To explore the mechanism of the resistance of forest tree to insects and breeding new species with resistant is the foundation of Poplar Longhorn Beetle Integrative Management.

近年来,对杨树抗性生理机制的研究主要集中在水分代谢、营养物质代谢和次生物质代谢等方面。In recent years, research of the mechanism of physiology resistance of poplar to longhorn beetle mainly focused on water metabolizing, primary metabolizing and secondary metabolizing as well.