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擦亮的火柴开一朵蓝花And blue spurt of a lighted match

再搏一下子,眼看就要成功了。Spurt on for success could be seen.

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一开跑后是否可以全力冲刺!Shall I spurt right after the race start?

哈里斯又来了一股劲,继续谈下去。Harris went on with a small spurt of energy.

小不点正朝着一个重要的生长突增发展。Your little passenger is headed for a major growth spurt.

如果你“生长突增”发生的早,你可能会觉得自己太高。If you go through a growth spurt early, you may feel too tall.

在装置的排气口应该观察到水的喷射。A spurt of water should be observed at the vents of the device.

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高负荷运动组股四头肌组织睾酮水平在生长突增期升高。T of the high intensity group increase in the growth spurt period.

所有副辊采用喷锌处理,抗腐蚀能力强,经久耐用。All vice-rolle use spurt zinc processing, does corrosion ability, durable.

脊椎滑脱的症状常起头于青少年迅速发育期。Symptoms of spondylolisthesis often begin during the teen-age growth spurt.

而麦丽金夫人按下了最后一个键,一道将绿色激光射了出来。Mrs. McKinley pressed the last button and a spurt of green neon light shone out.

有些人的体内形成临时性脂肪层,为身体的快速增长做好准备。Some people get a temporary layer of fat to prepare the body for a growth spurt.

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当生长陡增达到峰值时,一些人在一年之内能长高4英寸甚至更多。When that growth spurt is at its peak, some people grow 4 or more inches in a year.

自从解放鞋在国外开始流行开来,国人也开始对这块老式的军鞋兴趣大增。The popularity of the liberation shoes abroad makes a huge spurt of Chinese interest.

墨水喷码机虽得以如此高速的应用,但却存在以下很多明显的缺陷。Ink to spurt the code machine is to such high application, but there are many defects.

聚光灯不再照在我脸上,我盛极一时的名声似乎结束了。The spotlight is no longer shining in my face and my spurt with fame seems to be over.

高负荷运动组股四头肌组织睾酮水平在生长突增期升高。The quadriceps femoris T of the high intensity group increase in the growth spurt period.

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中国登山队员开始向世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰发起冲刺。Chinese mountaineers started their last spurt to Mt. Qomolangma, the world's highest peak.

黑色的骷髅怪叫两声,对着宵白嘴里喷出毒瘴。Black of the dry frame is strange cry 2, toward a night pearly spurt in the jaws poison Zhang.

这个词用来形容一种爆发式的增长,一些急速发生的事情。"Spurt" is the word used to describe a short burst of activity, something that happens in a hurry.