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我这么说并非和孩子们过不去。I'm not saying this to disparage kids.

你不应该轻视好的风度。You should not disparage good manners.

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而他只得贬低这一感到侮辱的伟大。One has to disparage the greatness that insults.

别贬低她想成为一名女演员的努力。Don't disparage her attempts to become an actress.

不应由我们来贬低这些州政府。it does not become us to disparage the States governments

现代科学认为没有一件事是不能批评的。Some critics disparage psychoanalysis as being a pseudoscience.

研究人员不能不公正地批评或贬损其他研究人员。Researchers must not unjustifiably criticise or disparage other Researchers.

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在文学界,文人相轻是人所共知、臭名在外的。In the domains of letters, it is notoriously known that writers tend to disparage each other.

我从来无意贬低经商,我的意思是它不适合我。Now I do not for a moment mean to disparage business. My whole point I is that it was not for me.

不要贬低你的朋友或亲戚表达的感情,但是指出事实并给予希望。Never disparage feelings your friend or relative expresses, but point out realities and offer hope.

很多接触的,在很多夫也会不嗜好、抬高、轻视或渺视。Most of the people you deal with will dislike disparage belittle or ignore what you say or do most of the time.

是遯翁自己对她不满意,所以用这种皮里阳秋的笔法来褒贬。It was Tun-weng himself who was dissatisfied with her and who had thus resorted to this veiled manner to disparage her.

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诽谤或诬蔑北京2008票务网站、北京奥组委的商标或服务商标或者本网站的任何方面,均是非法行为。It is illegal to defame or disparage BEIJING 2008 TICKETING WEBSITE, the trademarks or service marks of BOCOG, or any aspect of the Website.

有些人通过比较我们与开源运动的分歧和激进团体间的分歧,试图贬低自由软件运动。Some try to disparage the free software movement by comparing our disagreement with open source to the disagreements of those radical groups.

任何人都不应当轻视它,因为火一旦碰触到可燃物,就会变成大猛火,而烧死那个轻视它的笨蛋,不管他是男是女。A person shouldn't disparage it. For if it gains sustenance, becoming a great mass of flame, it may someday burn the fool, whether woman or man.

如果你允许你的配偶看低你或能够容许他人的诽谤,那么你将会得到你所愿意接受的一切。If you allow your partner to disparage you, expect to hear other damaging words. Whatever you are willing to accept is exactly what you're going to get.

雅利安社大力地鼓励了印度的民族主义,但它并没有蔑视西方的知识,也建立了很多学校和大学。The Arya Samaj did much to encourage Hindu nationalism, but it did not disparage the knowledge of the West, and it established many schools and colleges.

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两个主要政党似乎陷入特殊利益,蔑视公开和问责,扭曲公平规则和正当程序。Both major political parties appear mired in the special interests that disparage openness and accountability and bend the rules of fairness and due process.

白宫发言人比尔•伯顿说,奥巴马是在“自嘲自己的保龄球技时即兴说出了这番话,绝对没有藐视特奥会的意思”。White House spokesman Bill Burton said Obama "made an offhand remark making fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to disparage the Special Olympics.

这是一句他常用来贬损故障车的话,可回溯到1970年代晚期他做二手车经销商的时候,暗指被动过手脚的里程表。Which he used to disparage defective vehicles, dates back to his time as a second-hand car dealer in the late 1970s, and suggests a dishonestly adjusted mileometer.