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最简单的示例是字符串串联。The simplest example is the concatenation of strings.

一般LED灯是分成很多串接支路。LED lamp is generally slip into a lot of concatenation.

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对于任意给定的字符串,正确值是由下列值并置而成的For any given string, the correct value is the concatenation of

现在任何一种文化都变的越来越物质化。the market is so permeated into every concatenation of cultures.

连接操作会首先将字符串连接在一起,然后将其作为一个参数打印。Concatenation would concatenate the string and print it as one argument.

字串串连是指令码攻击的主要进入点。String concatenation is the primary point of entry for script injection.

为串联同时指定了宽字符字符串和非宽字符字符串。Both wide and non-wide character strings were specified for concatenation.

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最终的结果列表是来自各片的结果列表的串接。The final result list is concatenation of the result list from the individual slices.

浊音语音可以看作是慢变化的基音周期波形的连接。Voiced speech is interpreted as a concatenation of slowly evolving pitch cycle waveforms.

在右侧的表示方式中,离散的字符串通过连接节点组合在一起。In the representation on the right, a disjointed string is combined using a concatenation node.

拼接代价函数是决定合成音自然度的重要因素之一。The concatenation cost function is a key factor affecting the naturalness of synthesized speech.

同样可用的还有一个合并的报告,它是一个简单的基于视图和基础报告的连接体。Also available is a combined report, which is simply a concatenation of View-based and Basic reports.

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实现层还执行用于底层协议的消息分段和并置。The Implementation Layer also performs segmentation and concatenation of messages for the underlying protocol.

如果这个句子包含连接字符串,那么它在属性文件中不会被标记为单个词语。The full sentence is not tagged into one term in the properties file if it contains the concatenation strings.

如果事象的连续没有规则性,经验也就不能告诉我们什麽。And experience could not teach anything if there were no regularity in the concatenation and succession of events.

这个例子中的转换简单地将雇员登记表中的姓和名合并在一起。The simple transformation in this example is a concatenation of the first and last names from the employee registry.

以英语文语转换系统的开发为背景,采用基于大语料库的拼接语音合成方法进行英语语音合成。This paper carries out English speech synthesis by large-corpus based concatenation method in the English TTS system.

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我们并没有使用WCF提供的统一编程模型,而且URL也是通过字符串连接搞出来的。We are not using the unified programming model offered by WCF and the URL is hacked together using string concatenation.

串联机械装置允许把多达15个这种93字符的信息作为一个更长的信息的片断来处理。The concatenation mechanism allows up to 15 of these 93-character messages to be treated as segments of a longer message.

掌握一门外语总是需要刻苦攻读几年,创造出一种距离和直接的怪异感。And as always, the alien language, unmastered and struggled over, created a strange concatenation of distance and immediacy.