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什么是贱民?What is untouchable.

但国王发言称不能接触特格格鲁。The Kings would say Turkoglu was untouchable.

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他证明自己是无懈可击的,事实上不可触摸的。He's proven himself unassailable and indeed untouchable.

他们是从印度的贱民种姓中来的文盲妇女。They are illiterate women from India's Untouchable castes.

尽管印度前总统K.R。纳拉亚南在他的国家是贱民出身。Even though K. R. Narayanan was an Untouchable in his country.

村民们说因为那些孩子是贱民,贱民不能和他们一起吃饭。They said because the untouchable they can't eat in the same place.

但是,这并不意味着圣经中的每句话都具有权威或不可触摸的圣言。But this does not mean that every sentence is a definitive and untouchable Word.

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我们希望每个函数有它自己的变量,它们不会被其他函数触及到。We want each function to have its own variables that are untouchable by the others.

沃伦·巴菲特谈到要在你的商业周围建立一条护城河,让其不可触及。Warren Buffett talks about building a moat around your business to make it untouchable.

得不到的永远在驿动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。The untouchable ones are always stiring while the preferred ones all have nothing to fear.

就像普京告诉我们的一样,作为失败者团队的一员,他一下子变得无人理睬。As Putin tells us at the dacha, as a member of the losing team, he was suddenly untouchable.

穆帅说,「我只是个球队教练,然而某些方面我认为自己是无可取代的。」I am just the manager responsible for my team, and on that point I feel that I am untouchable.

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他对希腊踢出的那脚任意球终于卸去身上的巨石,自此之后他几乎无可指摘。Since he rolled away the stone with that free-kick against Greece, he has been almost untouchable.

被一个叫做梦想的,看不见,摸不到,却拥有无穷力量的东西,改变了。The world was changed by something called dream, which is invisible, untouchable but strong enough.

而李正信的角色则是在那个家中对殷夏媛最温柔的顶级明星姜书宇。And the role of the untouchable is in the home to YanXia Jiang Shuyu apologise most gentle top stars.

虽然政府承担了大量的债务,在政治讨论中,军费的份额还是雷打不动的。Even with the country's large debt, military spending seems to be untouchable in the political realm.

虽然政府承担了大量的债务,在政治讨论中,军费的份额还是雷打不动的。Even with the country’s large debt, military spending seems to be untouchable in the political realm.

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毫无希望时间过得真慢,粉尘吹在等他母亲的男孩身上,他的不可接触贱民母亲在比哈尔一采石场搬运石头。Hours pass as slowly as drifting dust for a boy whose Untouchable mother hauls rocks at a Bihar quarry.

在最近这次联赛会议上我告诉莫拉蒂和加利亚尼,布冯是非卖品。During the last Lega meeting I told both Massimo Moratti and Adriano Galliani that Buffon is untouchable.

妮她索兰基,一位古吉拉特不可接触贱民新娘穿上了婚衣,可能是她第一次穿这样精致的衣服。The garb worn by Nita Solanki, an Untouchable bride in Gujarat, is perhaps the finest she will ever put on.