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我是通过想问题去发泄的,这是我的方法。So I am abreaction by consider question. This is my way.

半月后,清晨的雾气仍未完全消散。After the half moon, the morning mist is still not completely abreaction.

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浮华的岁月雕刻了枯树的年轮,消散的时光勾画出纠缠的掌纹。The gaudy years carved the tree rings, abreaction time delineate entwine palmprint.

幸福就像温泉,身处其中让你百病痊愈,千愁消散。Happiness is like a spring, which makes your hundreds of illness recovery and thousands of worry abreaction.

我不知道一个人是否出庭做他的最佳水平,以支持你,当你不快乐,他愿意成为你的对象发泄。I don't know whether a person appear to do his level best to support you, when you are unhappy, he is willing to be your object of abreaction.

从现代心理学泄导理论的角度而言,明清文言梦幻小说的创作是创作主体积郁已久的情感的泄导。From a psychological point of view of abreaction theory, Ming and Qing classical dreamlike novel was the author of the release of long-standing emotional.

因此较多使用问题解决这一应对方式,较少使用发泄与幻想两种应对方式,可能会减少互联网使用带给中学生的消极影响。It demonstrated that the increase of problem solving, diminution of fantasy, and abreaction may predict positive Internet use's effect on middle school students.

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香水喷在羊毛、尼龙的衣料不轻易留下斑点。不过香味留在纯毛衣料上会较难消散。Perfume gush leaves spot not easily in the dress material of abb , nylon . It is more difficult that nevertheless fragrance stays on pure wool dress material abreaction.

表达了人的痛苦、愤懑、爆发、分裂。以及面对现代纷乱、自私而人性麻木的社会,发出了对于人之本性、人之本真状态的呼唤。His works reveal man's pain, anger, abreaction and schizophrenia and call for man to return to his real nature and innocence in this chaotic, selfish and indifferent world.

水肿患者小便少,如在初时就用红豆煲汤作为饮料,次日肿势就可减退,连服六七天,可能完全消散。Oedema patient pass water is little, if be in first when serve as beverage with ormosia Bao soup, morrow swollen situation can drop, take 67 days repeatedly, the likelihood is completely abreaction.