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将面团整形成短棍状或是圆球状放到铺了玉米面的烤盘上。Form into baton or boule shape and place them on a tray sprinkled with cornmeal.

他补充道,"Boule基因"可能是迄今为止发现最古老的精子特异性基因。He added that the Boule gene is likely the oldest human sperm-specific gene ever discovered.

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年长的修女端起羊脂球的杯子,放到那女人的嘴边,喂了她几滴葡萄酒。The elder nun held Boule de Suif'scup to the woman's lips and made her swallow a few drops of wine.

他们将"Boule基因"从一只雄性老鼠身上移除,它仍旧保持健康不过却不生产精子了。When they removed the Boule gene from a male mouse, the animal remained healthy but did not produce sperm.

美国国会参议院即将就一项已在众议院获得通过的移民法案举行辩论。Senate of United States Congress already was about to obtain the immigrant that pass in Boule act holds a debate.

指与有关天然刚玉对比,具有基本相同的物理、光学及化学性能的人造材料。It refers to artificial material with the basically the same physical, optical and chemical performances as natural boule.

BOULE蛋白是2001年发现的DAZ家族的新成员,是人类精子发生过程中减数分裂的关键调控因子。BOULE protein, a new member of DAZ family, is found in 2001, and is the key regulation factor in meiosis of human spermatogenesis.

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这位26岁的世界最美女人带着一个副Grisogono珠宝公司的镶钻的手镯和项链,价值几十万英镑。The 26-year-old wore a boule diamond bracelet and earrings by de Grisogono understood to be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

这位26岁的世界最美女人带着一个副Grisogono珠宝公司的镶钻的手镯和项链,价值几十万英镑。The 26-year-old wore a boule diamond bracelet and earrings by de Grisogono understood to be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

它通过法国各阶层的不同态度,揭露了大资产阶级的自私和虚伪,赞扬了羊脂球的牺牲精神。It reveals the selfishness and hypocrisy of the upper bourgeois and praises Boule de Suif's sacrifice through various attitudes of different classes in France.

可第二天早上他们继续前往勒阿弗尔时,这些“德行的代表”却疏远羊脂球,只尖酸刻薄地瞥了一眼这位年轻女子。However, as they continue on their way to Le Havre the next morning, these "representatives of virtue" ignore Boule de Suif and glance scathingly at the young woman.

BOULE基因表达的改变或BOULE蛋白的缺乏可引起减数分裂阻滞和精子生成障碍,从而导致无精子症并产生不育。The expression change of BOULE gene or the absence of BOULE protein brings on meiosis arrest and spermatogenic failure, which can lead to azoospermia and male infertility.

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马车在离开敌占区时被一名普鲁士军官拦截。军官告诉车上的人,除非羊脂球同意同他过夜,否则他们就会被扣留。The carriage is stopped by a Prussian officer on the way of leaving and the travelers are told by the officer that they will be detained unless Boule de Suif agrees to sleep with him.

铁沟料是以铝碳复合材料为主,通过添加刚玉、碳化硅等不同类型碳质原料,使其具有抗侵蚀及冲刷等优点的高级耐火材料。Material for iron runner is primarily based on aluminum-carbon compound material. It is a high-grade refractory with good resistance to corrosion and scouring by addition of boule and silicon carbide.