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莫里斯脸上露出了邪恶的奸笑。Maurice gave a satanic smile.

莫里斯.史密斯负责筹集竞选资金。Maurice Smith raised the money.

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那天晚上莫瑞斯像往常一样上了床。That evening Maurice went to bed as usual.

这是一段莫里斯·拉威尔的,名叫,波莱罗舞曲,的作品It's a piece by Maurice Ravel called Bolero.

她们之间的“友谊”开始那天,莫瑞斯也在场。Maurice was present the day their "friendship" began.

她知道他名叫莫里斯。费彻史东。She found out that his name was Maurice Featherstone.

我非常喜欢莫里斯,我会成为他的贤内助的。I'm very fond of Maurice and I'd make him a good wife.

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我当上总统的时候,莫里斯的身体已经很差了。By the time I became President, Maurice was in ill health.

莫里斯觉察到了我的不安,大声嘲笑我。Maurice sensed my discomfort and burst out laughing at me.

摩里斯为了要环游世界而设法多赚点钱。Maurice tried to make more money for traveling around the world.

莫理斯总是等到他太太厉声厉气后,才会去到垃圾。Maurice took out the garbage only after his wife cracked the whip.

几个小时以后,我们找到了在维加斯街头流浪的萎靡不振的莫里斯。A couple of hours later, we found Maurice wandering the Vegas strip.

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这里,莫里斯?勒穆瓦纳阁下很显然,他是骑士会的人。Here, monsignor maurice le moyne. and apparently, he ' s a chevalier.

别的男人也这么做过,只要莫瑞斯懂得该怎样做,她是不会感到不满的。Others had done it and Maurice could have done it had he guessed how.

我从来没有遇见过一个不喜欢或不尊重莫里斯的人。I never met a single person who didn’t like and respect Maurice Smith.

莫里斯·拉威尔是法国作曲家,是二十世纪早期的Maurice Ravel was a French composer writing in the early twentieth century.

莫里斯拉威尔。主编菲利普。钢琴。彼得斯版出版。By Maurice Ravel. Edited by Philipp. For piano. Published by Edition Peters.

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成千上万的家庭仍在经历瓦妮莎和莫里斯同样的故事。Millions of families still are going through the same thing as Vanessa and Maurice.

有一次,我跟着莫里斯去医院拍摄他死去的哥哥,弗洛伊德。On one occasion, I went with Maurice to film his dying brother, Lloyd, in hospital.

在1998年他们审判了一个老头,叫莫里斯·帕蓬,在波尔多被审There was a trial of a very old man in 1998 called Maurice Papon, tried in Bordeaux.