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终于到家了。Home at last.

那最后这几天呢?And the last days?

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有临终请求吗?。Anv last requests?

他终于叹口气。At last he sighed.

吃最后的一餐。Have your last meal.

最后一件事,斯图。One last thing, Stu.

还下降了一个百分点。in the last 7 years.

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他的姓是谢。His last name is Xie.

她上星期受人骗了。She rooked last week.

好片总是留在最后的。The Best of the last.

王是我的姓。Wang is my last name.

就剩最后一步了。One last step remains.

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但四月底就结束了。that ended last April.

他知道好景不会太长。He knows it won't last.

顺便说一下,我上周买了张新书桌。I a new desk last week.

昨夜梦魂中。In my dream last night!

这可能不会是最后一次。It may not be the last.

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昨夜里下了一阵风雪。It showered last night.

他们错过了末班车。They lost the last bus.

我们是昨晚到家的。We got home last night.