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你看起来很面善。You look very familiar.

听起来熟悉么?Does that sound familiar?

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他看起来不面熟。He doesn’t look familiar.

似曾熟悉的旋律。May have a familiar tune.

这种危言耸听的话人们很熟悉了。The alarmism is familiar.

但是,这一切又太熟悉了。But it’s all too familiar.

您看起来很面熟。You look a little familiar.

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你的名字我是熟悉的。Your name is familiar to me.

没有。他看起来不面熟。No. He doesn't look familiar.

仍是那一张熟悉的脸。Was still that familiar face.

这个男孩好生面熟。That boy looks quite familiar.

这歌听起来很熟悉。The song sounds very familiar.

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这曲子听起来很熟悉。The tune sounds very familiar.

这个我好像不太熟。I'm not quite familiar with it.

我觉得你看起来面熟。Your face looks familiar to me.

如今可乐已蜚声全球。Coke is now familiar world-wide.

这声音虽然极低,却很耳熟。The voice was low, yet familiar.

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他们能看到熟悉的陆标。They can see familiar landmarks.

我们何曾见过只是觉得眼熟。We have seen just feel familiar.

这一切怎么听起来这么耳熟?Why does this sound so familiar?