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伊苏,你能谈论一下日本吗?Esu can you comment on Japan?

谢谢你如此,伊苏和阿达玛。Thank you so much, Esu and Adama.

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ESU和学校融入不相关。ESU and school integration are not relevant.

亲爱的各位,我是Esu,带来一个简短的更新。Dearly beloveds, this is Esu with a brief update.

这已经足够这次简短更新了,我退下来让伊苏完成这个信息。This is enough for this brief update and I step down to let Esu finish the piece.

请查看以下链接,假如我发现更多线索我会添加进来。伊苏让我把这些传上来。Please view these links, I may add more if I discover any. Esu asked me to post this.

工厂已经成功引入七条流水线,他们分别是CPAP、CEEA、ESU等。We have successfully transferred 7 production lines, which include CPAP, CEEA and ESU etc.

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结论ESU病人应用碱化利多卡因及其混合液可明显改善硬膜外阻滞的效果。Conclusion Alkalinized lidocaine can improve the outcome of epidural blockade in the ESU patients.

今天早上,我们讲到地球上的每个人如何体验我与伊苏双重投生的各个方面。We spoke this morning about how each person on Earth is experiencing aspects of the dual incarnation I had with Esu.

随着Esu最近通过Adam讲述的,“接受”的新层面发展得越来越低,你们全体将如何反抗野兽?As Esu said recently thru Adam the new levels of "acceptance" grow lower and lower, as at what point will you all rebel against the beast?

我希望英语联盟在新时期发挥更大的作用,成为中英伙伴关系中不可或缺的桥梁。I would like to see ESU playing a growing role in this new era and be an indispensable bridge for the partnership between China and the UK and China and the world.

CNC切割机,磨边机,钻孔机,清洗机,自动丝印机,水平弯钢化炉。Including CNC cutting and grinding, drilling machines, washing machines, automatic screen printers, horizontal tempering furnaces, ESU windshield-bending equipment, autoclave machines.

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更好地解释下,这是因为我从未亲自体验过Nebadon的银河战争问题,所以我和在这个舞台上有着丰富经验的Esu一起来了。To understand that better, because I had never personally experienced the Galactic Warring problem in Nebadon, I came together with one very highly experienced in this arena, Immanuel Esu Kumara.