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因此正统基督教绝对是相信两元论的。So orthodoxy is definitively dualist.

然而,说鼠岛确实没有了老鼠还为时过早。It is too soon to say that Rat Island is definitively rat-free, however.

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最后T1压脂序列证明了脂性成分的存在。Fatty content is definitively confirmed by a fat-saturated T1-weighted sequence.

曲药发酵环境微生物区系对曲药微生物起决定作用。The microbe domain group in Daqu fermentation works definitively upon the microbe in Daqu.

不管我们怎么称呼它们,他们几乎总是试图解决第一世界的问题。Whatever we refer to them as, they almost always try to solve definitively first-world issues

我们无法确切地说性生活与健康体魄之间有因果关系。We can't definitively say there's a cause-and-effect relationship between sex and better health.

检测到更多有活力的X射线辐射的核分光望远镜阵列现在已经决定性地结束了这场争论。NuSTAR, which detects more energetic X-ray emissions, has now definitively ended this controversy.

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但这种啄木鸟自1940年代之后就再无权威的目击记录,关于它们幸存与否依然存在大量争议。But the existence of the woodpecker, not definitively seen since the 1940s, remains highly disputed.

这些都是棘手的问题,可能没有任何绝对正确的答案,我当然不会有。These are tough questions, and there may not be any definitively correct answers. I sure don't have them.

目前还没有确切的证据表明某些恐龙是否是温血动物。There is probably no evidence that would definitively prove whether or not some dinosaurs were warm-blooded.

有时吉他手要按和弦方便,但又不一定要小调或大调,这时就可以用形式调弦。Sometimes a guitarist will want a tuning that will permit very easy chords but not be definitively minor or major.

城堡的最古老部份还没有被公开,对城堡的第一笔书面记录是在1005年。The oldest parts of the castle have not been definitively dated, but the first written record of the castle is in 1005.

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遗憾的是帕托的加盟,使得我们用完了非欧盟球员名额,所以这最终关闭了舍瓦回归的大门。Unfortunately with Pato we have filled our quota of non-EU players, so that closed the door definitively on Shevchenko.

所以,普拉德和布兰卡将很快再次会晤,也许今天或者明天最终确定谈判。For this, Pradé and Branca could meet very soon, perhaps within today and tomorrow, for end definitively the negotiation.

这份由俄罗斯国家杜马发表的申明表面了俄罗斯与前苏联坚定断绝关系的决心。The statement passed by the State Duma appears aimed as a step toward Russia definitively breaking with its Soviet legacy.

利用局域差分GPS进行定位时,只有当流动站位于基准站构成的多边形网内时,才可能得到较高的精度。The distance from user to reference station influences the positioning accuracy definitively in local area differential GPS.

因为光滑肌瘤的多变的图象特征,和神经鞘瘤或纤维瘤不能明确区别。Because of their variable imaging characteristics, leiomyomas are not definitively distinguished from schwannomas or fibromas.

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他表示,与惠氏的交易"绝对符合"立普妥专利在美国到期前辉瑞进行自我提升的需求.The Wyeth deal "definitively addresses" Pfizer's need to bolster itself ahead of the U.S. patent expiration on Lipitor, he said.

惟有实验室才可做出猴痘的明确诊断,通过几种不同的检验可以诊断出感染情况Monkeypox can only be diagnosed definitively in the laboratory where the infection can be diagnosed by a number of different tests

但争议并没有最后地解决,其他的各种可能性,例如由爆炸来自地下的沼气的说法仍旧在研究着。But the debate has not been settled definitively and other possibilities, such as underground methane, are still being investigated.