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是的,通过电传打字电报。Yes, via teletype.

生命途经流年,似水。Life via time, water.

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我们经上海飞回家。We flew home via Shanghai.

我们乘飞机经巴黎去雅典。We flew to Athens via Paris.

另一种方式是通过联结。Another method is via a join.

他取道土耳其来到欧洲。He came to Europe via Turkey.

我们经东京去美国。We went to America via Tokyo.

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随后,我穿过下水管道,回了家。I walked home via the aqueduct.

他取道上海飞往纽约。He flew to New York via Shanghai.

201公路,通往加拿大,沿经缅因Road To Canada via Maine, Rt. 201

了。专项档案,是通过电子邮件发送。The . pdf-file is sent via email.

水通过蒸发进入空气。Water enters air via evaporation.

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他搭机经由纽约飞往华盛顿。He flew to Washington via New York.

我乘坐的航班改变航线途经雅典。My flight was re-routed via Athens.

所有协议将通过港口及航运局工作。All agreements will be done via PMB.

维萨信用卡国际协会?。VIA? Visa International Association?

我通过玛丽的姐姐给她带去了一个口信。He sent her a love letter via E-mail.

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相反,水自动通过重力移动上来。Instead, the water moves via gravity.

软件通过互联网13升级。Software upgradeable via internet 13.

这个航班被安排经纽约干往抓加哥。The flight is routed to via New York.