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创伤与苦恼,在安息中自然清除。Wounds and ftustration vaporise in rest.

之后,他们用喷灯蒸发水银,最终提取黄金。They then vaporise the mercury using a blowtorch, leaving gold behind.

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离子炮射击能使目标蒸发从而增大能量发射。Ion cannon shots vaporise the object struck magnifying the energy discharge.

不同于高速碰撞,这种低速撞击不会熔化或者蒸发岩石,更不会形成环形山。Such a low-speed impact does not melt or vaporise rock like a high-speed crash.

由于水蒸发吸收的回流,可能会产生内部裂纹和失败。As absorbed water vaporise in reflow, internal cracks and failures may be created.

虽然,技术确实能够创造就业,然而,历史证明它也能以很快的速度来毁灭就业岗位。And while it is true that technology creates jobs, history shows that it can vaporise them pretty quickly, too.

但是任何只要发现他们自己在真的地心分散距离范围内的人都会“l立刻蒸发,”伯寇维兹教授说道。But anyone who found themselves within spitting distance of the Earth's real core would "instantly vaporise", Prof Perkowitz says.

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这些淡化设备抽取含盐分的水,通过加热气化或者过滤的方式滤掉盐分和杂质。The plants take salty or brackish water, and either warm it, vaporise it and separate off the salts and impurities, or pass it through filters.

他们在一个不锈钢培养皿里培育细菌,然后用激光蒸发它们的信号分子,把这些分子导入到质谱分析仪中并记录他们的状态。They grow their bacteria on a stainless steel plate, and use a laser to vaporise their signalling molecules, feeding these into a mass spectrometer to catalogue the molecules present.

由于外盖及其内侧的密封垫的作用,罐体托盘中的水可大大延长更换周期,水不易蒸发。Because of the action of an outer cover and a sealing gasket in the inside, the change cycle can be extended largely by the water in the tray of the jar body, and the water is not easy to vaporise.