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有些人获得很冲动,非要拥有每样最新的东西。Some people live impulsively and must have the latest everything.

他很后悔当时一时冲动就跑上去打了她。He was regretful that he ran up to hit her impulsively at that time.

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这组色调非常具有吸引力,从灰紫色跳跃到草绿色。Color is impulsively charming, bouncing from dusty to grass-stained green.

不要立即或冲动地对失败做出回应,这样会让事情更糟。Don't respond immediately or impulsively. Doing so can make matters worse.

耶稣是易动感情的,常会“因怜悯而感动”或“充满了怜爱”。He seems excitable, impulsively "moved with compassion" or "filled with pity.

华盛顿——当有大事发生时,华盛顿常常容易冲动。WASHINGTON -- When something big happens, Washington tends to react impulsively.

这组色调非常具有吸引力,从灰紫色跳跃到草绿色。Color is impulsively charming, bouncing from dusty purple to grass- stained green.

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你还好吗?时间和流水一样,丝丝的想念还是情不自禁的涌上来,对。You okay? Time and water, fishes or impulsively of the miss was coming in, and right.

在面对商业决策时会诱使反应冲动或情绪化。It's tempting to react impulsively or emotionally when faced with a business decision.

她们在网上进行交流,决定在假期里交换住处。They meet online at a home exchange website and impulsively switch homes for the holiday.

查尔斯提到了韩绍功,绍臣冲动地说那个人是他的哥哥。Charles mentioned HanShaoGong, shaoxing minister impulsively said that man is his brother.

人们在超市总是冲动地花很多钱买东西,因此超出预算规定。People lose a lot of money in the supermarket for buying impulsively thus overshooting their budgets.

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子君查出是潘红棉在幕后兴风作浪,冲动地将她赶出酒店,却惹来麻烦。Zijun was traced pantone red cotton behind the scenes, impulsively took her out of the hotel, but to trouble.

或者,这也是一次机会,让我们暂停目前的行为从而确保我们没有因为冲动而做出不正确的决定。Or, it may just be a chance to pause before acting to make sure we don’t impulsively make an unhealthy choice.

我们初次相见后四个星期,就冲动地从明尼阿波利斯驱车前往新墨西哥州的陶斯滑冰。Four weeks after first meeting, we impulsively took a road trip from Minneapolis to Taos, N.M., for some skiing.

在嘉明湖的美景之下,何萱冲动地向泽铭表白,泽铭也动了心,两人深吻定情。Under the beauty of the jia siminghu, He Xuan impulsively to ze Ming, ze Ming also moved heart, two people both deep kiss.

通过这种练习,如果突然发生了要求你做出快速反应并且没有时间准备的事情,你就可以从容应对了。This way, if something happens to you that forces you to react impulsively and you don’t have time to prepare, you’ll be ready.

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这会阻止它们成为禁果,所以您不会最终在焦虑时冲动地买一包烟。it stops them from becoming the forbidden fruit, so you won't end up impulsively buying a pack of cigarettes when you get anxious.

不要再网上冲动性购物而导致犯错误,包括输入错误的邮寄地址。Do not act impulsively while you are shopping online as this can result in unnecessary mistakes including typing wrong shipping address.

动感音乐的爱好者喜欢跳舞,与其他风格音乐的爱好者相比,他们更容易不假思索地说出他们的想法。Fans of energetic music like dance and soul are more likely to impulsively blurt out their thoughts, compared with fans of other styles.