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我们的校长室个老男人。Our headmaster is an old man.

这位校长很谦虚。This headmaster is very modest.

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他老了,他是我们的校长。He is old. He is our headmaster.

我们的校长是个中年人。Our headmaster is middle-aged man.

我们的老校长死于中风。Our old headmaster died of stroke.

校长你找我们有事吗?The headmaster you find we occupy?

校长向学生颁发奖品。The headmaster gave out the prizes.

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我跟校长没什么好说的。I had nothing to say to the headmaster.

计划已经送交给校长了。The plan has been sent to the headmaster.

要当校长,你就得脸皮厚一些。You need a thick skin to be a headmaster.

在我的梦里,我是一个学校的校长。In my dream ,I am a headmaster of a school.

校长命令她不要做声。The headmaster required her to keep silent.

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我愿把你的意见转告校长。I will relay your opinion to the headmaster.

校长带引我们在学校里参观了一圈。The headmaster conducted us round the school.

这就是那个爸爸是校长的男孩。This is the boy whose father is a headmaster.

我把陈校长的讲话录下来了。I have recorded down Headmaster Chen's speech.

我父亲是小学校长。My father is a headmaster of a primary school.

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他用手杖抽打那个小孩。The headmaster caned the boys for disobedience.

校长用藤条责打不听话的男学生。The headmaster caned the boys for disobedience.

校长没收了汤米的射豆枪。The headmaster confiscated Tommy's pea-shooter.