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我住在银河路233号。I live at 233 Galaxy Road.

这是一个星系还是两个?Is this one galaxy or two?

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贝克汉姆为银河队打进的进球数。Goals Beckham has scored for Galaxy.

我们好像都知道什么是星系,是吗?We all know what a galaxy is, right?

星系都有无数的恒星。Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.

地球是银河系中的星球之一。Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.

本报已正式改名为星河新报。This newspaper had renamed as Galaxy News.

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证据可能在于我们邻近的星系。Evidence may be in our neighbouring galaxy.

这条光带就是我们这个漩涡星系的银盘。This band is the disk of our spiral galaxy.

类星体和星系哪一个形成在前呢?Which came first, the quasar or the galaxy?

这是一个星系的知识和信息。It is a galaxy of knowledge and information.

在星系中双星系统是很常见的。Binary star systems are common in the galaxy.

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并非银河的所有部分都是适合生命的。Not all parts of a galaxy are suited to life.

为什麽草帽星系看起来像一顶帽子呢?Why does the Sombrero Galaxy look like a hat?

还有谁对这片星系有兴趣的?Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?

它从天河的琼水骨化而来。Which is from ossification of water in galaxy.

一位银河宾馆的行李搬运工在大厅里接待布朗先生。A porter from the Galaxy Hotel is welcoming Mr.

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就像一片广阔的天空,任你自由翱翔。Working in GALAXY just likes flying in the sky.

银河陷落,爱意沸腾,总不比乞巧合欢。Galaxy fall, love boil, with a total than Acacia.

这的钻饰,似银河轻泻,熠熠闪耀。The diamond jewelry shines like the flowing galaxy.