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他一个饲鹰者的吗?是的。Ten. Ishe a hawker ?Yes.

一条小吃街的入口。The entrance to a street full of hawker stalls.

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城市中间一个可爱的小贩铜雕。Lovely bronze in the city centre of a street hawker.

在这个相邻的国度里也有一个小的集贸市场。In this neighborhood there is also a little hawker center.

我爱吃路边摊的食物,喜欢有需要时乘火车。I love my hawker food and like taking the train when possible.

黄德塔里克通常在新加坡的印度小贩摊档能发现。Teh-tarik is commonly found at Indian hawker stalls in Singapore.

当小贩的妻子有空闲时便着手去卖咖喱粉。The hawker 's wife goes about selling curry powder whensheis free.

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图为德里,一名小贩利用警察局招牌挡雨。The picture shows a hawker used the police signs resist rain in Delhi.

在这些例子中,trade更有种“职业”的含义,而不光指代买卖货物的人。In these examples the sense is more of a profession than a hawker of goods.

我会去大排档吃东西,但我不会去品流复杂的地方。I will go and eat at hawker stalls but not at places that are deemed 'complicated'.

另外一个找食趣常光顾的摊位就是这档炒粿条了。Another stall which JAF always patronise at the same hawker centre is this Char Kway Teow stall.

附近都是让人愉快的树木覆盖的街道,到处都是餐馆和各种小摊。Nearby is block of pleasant tree-lined streets lined with restaurants and touristy hawker stalls.

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我是我吃午餐那地方的一个小贩,我不知道我吃的到底是什么,但那真是不招人喜欢的一些东西!This is one of the hawker stands where I had lunch. I don't quite know what I ate but it was damn good!

我永远都忘不了每年站在胡同口卖糖葫芦的小贩的叫卖声。I never forget the sound from a hawker selling ice-sugar gourds standing at the Hutong entrance every year.

不论在餐厅或小吃中心,只要他们做的食物真正好吃,你就有机会在那里遇到燕姿。No matter at restaurants or hawker centers, you might meet up with Yanzi if their foodsarereally delicious.

工人带来活力的城市,和小贩摊档及餐馆将活力的城市。Workers brought vitality to the city, and the hawker stalls and restaurants will bring vitality to the city.

“猎鹰者“731的“加勒特”TFE一731双引擎轰鸣起来,产生一股强大的动力,推动着飞机向空中飞去。The Hawker 731's twin Garrett TFE-731 engines thundered, powering the plane skyward with gut-wrenching force.

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在新加坡的一个小吃集市,你可以随意享用鸡肉米饭、香辣米粉、加香烤肉、炒河粉等各色美食。Choose from dozens of different dishes like chicken rice, laksa, satay, and char away teow, at a hawker center in Singapore.

阿德瓦尼先生乘坐的是一架八座的猎鹰850型商用飞机。"We were overconfident, " Mr Advani says as he stretches out inside his campaign plane, an eight-seater Hawker 850 business jet.

适用于未能提供收入证明的申请人如小贩、三行工人、装修工人、地盘杂工、散工、清洁工人等。For applicants who cannot provide income proofs such as hawker , construction worker, renovation worker, causal worker, cleaner, etc.