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以质取胜。Quality win.

质量是分形的。Quality is fractal.

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我想要质量好的。I want good quality.

要质胜于量。Not quantity but quality.

我们保证他会胜。We guarantee its quality.

这是素质教育吗?Is it a quality education?

水质在发生变化吗?Is water quality changing?

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也可以买到质量很好的仿制品。good quality reproduction.

谦逊是一种良好的品质。Modesty is a sweet quality.

安全和质量风险。Security and quality risks.

测试和质量保证。Test and quality assurance.

寻找有品质的食物。Alays look for quality food.

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高博品质,质量承诺。Brand Commitment To Quality.

SQF指安全和质量确保食物。SQF means Safe Quality Food.

对质量重难点型我深表遗憾。I regret the quality problem.

“专业——铸就品质”。Profession-cast into quality.

证书,品质,商检局,代办,中国。Quality Certificate by C I Q.

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这钟是优质品。The clock is of good quality.

这商品质量粗劣。The goods are bad in quality.

这是一种杰出的品质。This is an excellent quality.