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那是1925年的圣诞前后。It was Christmastime 1925.

斯德哥尔摩的圣诞时分。It's Christmastime in Stockholm.

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他们在圣诞节时常常吃鹅肉。They often have goose at Christmastime.

圣涎节时两个女孩交换礼物。At Christmastime the girls exchanged gifts.

圣诞节野生諨动物都唱什么?。What do wild animals sing at Christmastime?

圣诞节期间,身着红衣的圣诞老人在维多利亚广场进行“圣诞巡查”。Men in red walk the Santa beat at Christmastime in Piazza Vittoria.

我和家人在圣诞节的时候喜欢在家里放圣诞红。My family and I like to put poinsettias in our house at Christmastime.

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在这里,圣诞节杀你们是一种固定的阴谋活动。There's a regular conspiracy around here to kill you at Christmastime.

那年圣诞节期间,布拉德利有幸见证了他父母的婚礼。Bradley was able to witness his parents' marriage at Christmastime that year.

鲁道夫的红鼻子驯鹿几代人一直圣诞节主食。Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has been a Christmastime staple for generations.

今年,他们试图在圣诞节有什么可以成为对他们新的传统。This year they tried what could become a new tradition for them at Christmastime.

那是圣诞节期间,我的两个新妹妹,一个6岁,一个3岁,从哥伦比亚来到了我家。It was Christmastime when my two new sisters, aged 6 and 3, arrived from Colombia.

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他说我得出结果了,所以他隐居到,山上的住宅,在1925年得圣诞前后。He said I had it, so he headed off to a villa in the mountains, Christmastime 1925.

由于圣诞节期间的做法,夫妇关系在世界各地的忧虑。As Christmastime approaches, couples in relationships around the world are apprehensive.

要知道,基督的圣诞节是神所拣选的时间,来教导我们圣诞节就是重建我们信仰的时刻。Knowing that Christmastime is God's chosen time teaches us that Christmas is the time for us to renew our faith.

要知道,圣诞节是上帝所选择的时间来教育我们应该在圣诞节释放我们的恐惧Knowing that Christmastime is God's chosen time teaches us that Christmas is the time for us to release our fears.

要知道,圣诞节,是神所拣选的,要教导我们,圣诞节就是让我们与神和好的时刻。Knowing that Christmastime is God's chosen time teaches us that Christmas is the time for us to reconcile with God.

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啊,又是一个假期,许多人将要开始踏上旅程去和爱人、家人团聚。Ahh, the holidays. Christmastime is here, and many will be traveling this week to rejoin loved ones and family members.

对加里而言,圣诞节时去大卖场购物已经成为一项寻宝游戏,商店每个货架的角落都充满着惊喜,加里总能满载而归。For Gary, a trip to Big Lots at Christmastime had been a treasure hunt, with surprises around every corner, all destined for those he loved most.

要明白,圣诞节是神所拣选,让人明白圣诞节就是我们接受饶恕的时刻,因为我们都犯了罪。Knowing that Christmastime is God's chosen time teaches us that Christmas is the time for us to receive forgiveness for the wrong things we've done.