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这是杰克逊式民主的胜利。This was the triumph of Jacksonian democracy.

一个是,推翻了许多经济特权的杰克逊时代的民主改革。They point to the democratic reforms of the Jacksonian Era, which struck down many economic prerogatives.

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19世纪上半叶,一场气势浩大的民主运动-杰克逊民主-席卷了整个美国。In the first half of 19th century, a dynamic democratic movement, termed as Jacksonian Democracy, swept the whole America.

其政治哲学被称为杰克逊式民主,它帮助巩固了一个强大的行政部门,扩展了选民范围。His political philosophy, known as Jacksonian democracy, helped solidify a strong executive branch and expand the electorate.

对中低收入群体减税听起来像回到了“杰克逊政策”——小政府平均主义。Reducing payroll taxes for middle- and lower-income people harkens back to the Jacksonian idea of small-government egalitarianism.

1828年的选举,对亚当斯来说是难以承受的严酷考验,站在杰克逊那边的反对者们指责他腐败和公然抢劫。The campaign of 1828, in which his Jacksonian opponents charged him with corruption and public plunder, was an ordeal Adams did not easily bear.

在美国新闻业的历史上,便士报纸时代出现在杰克逊时代之后。In the history of American journalism the Penny Press era was preceded by the Jacksonian era, one that is known for its highly partisan and political newspapers.

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就算没有人的专辑销量可以达到杰克逊这样的规模,那他或她能够成为像迈克·杰克逊那样如此受大众欢迎,如此受大众喜爱的歌手吗,并且也会像迈克这样有如此多的人来听他或她的歌吗?But even if nobody achieves album sales on a Jacksonian scale, couldn't he or she be an artist every bit as popular, every bit as loved, every bit as listened to?

其中,杰克逊主义独树一帜,以其深厚的历史文化内涵,经久不衰的民众支持影响着美国的外交政策。In American diplomacy tradition, Jacksonian is very inimitable, it affects American diplomacy with its profound history culture connotation and unfailing people support.

托克维尔在杰克逊美国找到了共鸣重新在我们自己的时间,并在一次远程和熟悉达姆罗希的世界从事帐户是宝贵和有趣。What Tocqueville found in Jacksonian America resonates anew in our own time, and Damrosch's engaging account of a world at once remote and familiar is invaluable—and entertaining.

鉴于这些原因,他也被许多人视为当时美国社会中民主情结的象征,后人甚至把他的民主思想和实践归纳为杰克逊民主。He was viewed by many people as the symbol of the democratic feelings of his time, and later generations were to speak of his democratic ideas and practices as Jacksonian Democracy.