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经过风洞测试,以实现最佳的空气动力学性能。Tested in the wind-tunnel for best aerodynamics.

车身对空气动力学的运用以及外观的设计绝对疯狂。The aerodynamics and the design are absolutely crazy.

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该旋翼产生的电梯在垂直起降,利用空气动力学。The rotor wing produces lift during VTOL, using aerodynamics.

它的外形很大一部分是由于空气动力学设计。Aerodynamics was somewhat of a factor as much as looks itself.

林可梦伟开始着手空气动力学的工作和安排。Kamui began the programme with work on aerodynamics and set-up.

而现在如此依赖如云般的空气动力。But now you are so dependent on the aerodynamics that you are not able to.

我们的由燃烧部得到的报告多于得自气体动力学部的报告。We got more report from Combustion Division than the Aerodynamics Division.

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这是因为赛车的抓地力变小使得空气动力学变得更为重要吗?Is it down to less grip in the car which makes the aerodynamics more critical?

我国的一种返回式卫星发射时未设整流罩,星体直接受到气动加热。This paper discusses the problem of aerodynamics heat of non-fairinged satellite.

首先空气动力学就姐系有关气流同飞机系空中飞行既科学。Aerodynamics is the science of air flow and the motion of aircraft through the air.

事实上,根据空气动力学,这样一枚硬币还不足以对人构成任何威胁。But the fact is, the aerodynamics of a penny are not sufficient to make it dangerous.

飞机的超音速和空气动力学完成将空气压缩入引擎的任务。Its supersonic speeds and aerodynamics do the job, compressing the air into the engine.

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被包裹的轮胎和与车身紧密接触的玻璃体现了空气动力学原理。Aerodynamics are improved by means of covered wheels and a touching of glass on the body.

该旋翼使飞行方向,在垂直起降和向前飞行,利用空气动力学。The rotor wing gives flight direction during VTOL and forward flight, using aerodynamics.

此外,空气动力学和雷达隐形技术的原理并无政治壁垒。And besides, the principles of aerodynamics and radar-deflection know no political borders.

具有讽刺意味的是,这种失去旋转的球,由于受到空气动力学方面的影响,会使球从正常的轨迹中发生偏离。Ironically, that lack of spin on the ball causes its path to curve because of aerodynamics.

管式车轴采用的是光滑的铁管,并且通过完美的空气动力学来平衡载荷。Tube axles were built from smooth, steel tubing and balanced strength with superb aerodynamics.

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牌的实验用车彻底追求适应空气动力学特点的造型。Oldsmobile has made every ef fort to adapt itself to the peculiarity of aerodynamics. Oldsmobile.

利用该方案进行了布撒器—子弹气动干扰风洞实验。Using this scheme, the dispenser-submunition aerodynamics interference experiment was carried out.

应用该模型对某飞机模型做俯仰滚转耦合运动的非定常气动力进行了辨识。Using the model the unsteady aerodynamics of one aircraft in pitching-rolling motion is identified.