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那到底是什么造成了共感觉高红血球细胞和心脏病发?So does cause synesthesia high red blood cell count and heart attack?

李贺是中国古代诗人中将通感艺术运用最多、运用最妙的一位。Li He, a Chinese ancient poet, adopted synesthesia most and applied it excellently.

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1999年,我们决定试著弄清楚「联觉」是否的确是真实的感官经验。We began trying to find out whether synesthesia is a genuine sensory experience in 1999.

这在1980年发射的另类评论所谓通感怪异Cytowic的探索。This offbeat comment in 1980 launched Cytowic's exploration into the oddity called synesthesia.

一般来说,人们一提到波德莱尔的应和论,总是把它与象征或通感等同起来。In general, when speaking of Baudelaires correspondences, people always regard it as symbol or synesthesia.

本文通过通感的类比、联想、推理意义探讨了通感过程中的隐喻思维。This paper probes metaphorical thinking in the process of synesthesia through analogy association and reasoning.

在“艺术通感”中,最活跃的是视觉和听觉,通常人们把它称之为“视听通感”。In the "Art Feeling", the most active is the vision and hearing, people usually call it "audio-visual synesthesia.

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他是美国联觉协会的创始会员之一,并协助筹办该会2001年在加州大学圣地牙哥分校举行的第二届年会。A founding member of the American Synesthesia Association, he helped to organize its second annual meeting at U. C. S. D. in 2001.

对于联觉的神经作用基础有所了解,有助于解释一些画家、诗人以及小说家的创造性。Our insights into the neurological basis of synesthesia could help explain some of the creativity of painters, poets and novelists.

通感修辞最大的特点就是突破与创新,对形成广告文案创意很有帮助。The typical feature of synesthesia lies in creativity and innovation, which is of great help for the creative writing of advertisement.

通感作为一种修辞手法在日常生活中常常被人们所用到,而它也受到许多学者的关注,包括约瑟夫·威廉斯。Having often been used in peoples ordinary life as a rhetorical device, synesthesia acquires attention from many scholars, including Joseph Williams.

首先,论述了艺术通感对于儿童身心健康成长的意义,接着提出并阐释了综合艺术教育是培育儿童艺术通感的主要途径。Last but not least, the paper considers the comprehensive art education as the chief approach of the fostering process of children"s artistic synesthesia."

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这类研究会改变关键神经细胞的活跃程度,然后利用成像技术观察联觉网络是否受到影响。Such a study could change the activity level of key neurons, then use imaging techniques to see whether the synesthesia networks were affected, Weiss-Blankenhorn says.

纽约城市大学的神经科学家托尼·罗和这所大学的研究生中心可能已经找到了女教授通感的原因。Now Tony Ro, a neuroscientist at the City College of New York and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, might have figured out the cause of this synesthesia.

由于幼儿大脑的迅速成长,联觉可以在早年就出现,英国牛津大学的神经科学家德文·特修如是说。Synesthesia can occur early in life due to the explosive growth of a young child's brain, explains neuroscientist Devin Terhune of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

他还说,将来的研究会将TDCS和成像技术结合起来,从而巩固作者的推测,即脑细胞的兴奋性构建了神经网络,导致了联觉。He adds that future studies could combine TDCS with imaging techniques to confirm the authors' speculation that the cells' excitability helps build the networks that result in synesthesia.

从历史和艺术的角度去看音乐与建筑,它们之间存在着密切的关系,这种关系可以使音乐与建筑之间产生潜在的通感效应与互补作用。According to history and art, music and architecture have a close relationship between each other. The connection of them can bring about the potential effect of synesthesia and complementary.