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这是张犹太神堂的画。This is a painting of the Tabernacle.

但如今,以色列民却要将会幕固定地设立在示罗。But now the Tabernacle was to be set up.

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神在其间为太阳安设帐幕。In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun

圣体盘是用最好的材料做的。The tabernacle was made of the finest material.

帐幕一切的板都要这样作。Make all the frames of the tabernacle in this way.

在帐棚的后面的两角上,做了两块木板。And two others at each corner of the tabernacle behind.

他用皂荚木做帐幕的竖板。They made upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle.

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他们是藏在神龛后面的神秘圣人。They are the mysterious divinities hidden behind the tabernacle.

帐棚的橛子、庭院的橛子和绳索。The pins of the tabernacle and of the court with their little cords.

你使利未支派近前来、站在祭司亚伦面前、好服事他。The Kohathite clans were to camp on the south side of the tabernacle.

要照着在山上指示你的样式立起帐幕。Set up the tabernacle according to the plan shown you on the mountain.

甚至他离弃示罗的帐幕,就是他在人间所搭的帐棚。He abandoned the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent he had set up among men.

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摩西使亚伦和他的四个儿子成圣,在会幕�服事。Moses consecrates Aaron and his four sons to minister in the tabernacle.

因为他们所有的材料够做一切当做的物,而且有馀。And two boards made he for the corners of the tabernacle in the two sides.

主啊,您的圣灵住在我们�面,我们就是您在这世代的居所。Lord, Your Holy Spirit indwells us and we are Your tabernacle in this age.

帐幕一切的橛子和院子四围的橛子都是铜的。All the tent pegs of the tabernacle and of the surrounding courtyard were bronze.

又用山羊毛做了布幔,作帐棚顶用,共做了十一幅布幔。He made also eleven curtains of goats' hair, to cover the roof of the tabernacle.

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应用皂荚木做支帐棚用的木板。Thou shalt make also the boards of the tabernacle standing upright of setim wood.

大卫在神面前蒙恩,祈求为雅各的神豫备居所。Who found favour before God, and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.

制造帐幕和其中的一切器具都要照我所指示你的样式。Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.