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至少这是我所追求的境界。At least I aspire to that.

⊙、人须立志,志立则功就。People should aspire to, he is work.

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他们完全明白应追求什么。They knew unerringly what to aspire to.

诸艺造妙皆向往于音乐之空灵澹荡。All Arts aspire to the condition of music.

我们大多数人并不渴望强盗男爵。Most of us do not aspire to robber barony.

渴望一个更高、更贵、更丰更富的生命。Aspire to a higher, a nobler, a fuller life.

有许多的女服务生向往成为女演员。There are many waitresses that aspire to be actresses.

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我们无法渴望得到快乐,而只能期望更少的痛苦。We cannot aspire to happiness, only to less unhappiness.

立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。Aspire to appropriate's character, reading must try hard.

对于我个人而言,我一方面追求童心,一方面建立目标。Personally, I aspire to Beginner’s Mind, and I set goals.

“我渴望孩子们将来能够从事我所不能从事的工作,”吉尔说。"I aspire for my children to do what I couldn't," Gil says.

从那天起,他们三个立志成为三剑客。From that day on, the three of them aspire to be musketeers.

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企慕在上的光明可以来到并净化它吗?To aspire that the light from above may come and purify it ?

倘若你无求无欲,怎么能会有挫折感呢?And if you don’t aspire to anything, how can you be frustrated?

省得上官月儿自高奋勇的更麻烦。Province last officer the moon aspire from Gao more troublesome.

很多人向往住在郊区风格独特的个人住房。Many people aspire to live in suburban style, individual housing.

出狱后,转而追求名利,立志出人头地。After be released from prison, turn and careerism, aspire stand out.

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女性不仅应该立志接受教育,还应该追求独立。Female not only should aspire for education,but also for independent.

这充其量就是一个白日梦,不过我们至少应该对此怀有渴望。This is a pipe dream at best--but one that we should at least aspire to.

你是否热望要知道上帝的长阔高深?Do you aspire to know the heights, and depths, and lengths, and breadths?