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但希望我也别给人诬衊。But I also do not want people to vilify.

然而,也有两个人并不愿诋毁思斯奇林。Two chose not to vilify Skilling, however.

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为什么他总是想方设法毁坏我的名誉?Why is he always trying to vilify my reputation?

你可以引用他们,反对他们,质疑他们,颂扬或是诋毁他们。You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

中国,一个爱好和平的民族,却被你们丑化为侵略者?China, a peace-loving people, but you have to vilify the aggressor?

他们指责她为“帝国主义者派来低毁伊斯兰教的叛教者”。They branded her an apostate by imperial forces to vilify Islam. """

要不断地制造“新闻”,丑化他们心目中的明星和英雄。To continue to "press" and vilify them in the eyes of the star and a hero.

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一群毛主义网站经常恶毒诽谤茅先生这样的知识分子。A clutch of Maoist websites frequently vilify intellectuals such as Mr Mao.

他不会纵容那些支持他的自由派,也不会斥责那些不支持他的保守派。He cannot acquiesce to the liberals who support him nor vilify the conservatives who don't.

他说这是诽谤农民们的策略的一部分,逼迫他们为工业让路。He said it is part of a move to vilify farmers, and force them out to make way for industry.

你可以赞美他们,摘引他们,反对他们,质疑他们,颂扬或是诋毁他们。You can praise them, quote them, disagree with them disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

就算你想贬低现有的开发模式,也不要拿Linux是如何运行的来当作辩词。If you do feel compelled to vilify the model, don't do so by comparing it to how Linux is run.

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但他已找到一种方法,认为这些善意谁压迫他的人民和丑化他的名字。And yet he has found a way to think kindly of those who oppress his people and vilify his name.

如果这么做,美国会有动力来欢迎华为,而没有理由来中伤他。If it does so, America would have an incentive to welcome Huawei—and no more reason to vilify it.

难道现在中国球员的形象非要被丑化到极点才能让人满意吗?Is it true that the image of the Chinese players have to be extreme in order to vilify people Satisfied?

华盛顿的政客们却要举行电视听证会,在会上中伤石油公司,以获得更多的选票。The politicians in Washington can get more votes by holding televised hearings where they vilify the oil companies.

汤姆·梅尔彻,Zinch中国的主席和报告的作者,说没有丑化这些提供服务的代理这么简单。Tom Melcher Zinch China's chairman and the report's author says it's simplistic to vilify agents who provide these services.

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美国长期努力诽谤中国。由于美国欠中国数万亿美元,没人相信美国的鬼话。US has been trying to vilify China for a long time but no one is buying their story as they owe them in trillions of dollars.

所以就弥尔顿而言,是一个可理解的事,他需要通过认同那伟大的诗句来贬低莎士比亚,用Comus来压倒比他年纪较大的同时代人。And so it's an understandable ploy on Milton's part that he needs to vilify Shakespeare by identifying that great poet, his older contemporary, with Comus.

但是西方一些哲学流派打着维护马克思主义的旗号,大肆攻击马克思主义哲学,认为马克思主义哲学出现了人学空白,妄图篡改马克思主义。But some philosophy schools in the west vilify Marxist philosophy wantonly. They think that Marxist philosophy has no human theory and they want to distort it.