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他双臂抱住的却是一个虚无漂渺的形象。His arms enclosed only on unsubstantial image.

最大的喜悦藏在非实质的事物里。Life's greatest joys are hidden in unsubstantial things.

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而在金融业中,证券业又是最薄弱的。More over, the stock industry is the most unsubstantial.

如果你意识到神,那么就不会把世界视为无实质的。If you but, realize God, you won't see the world as unsubstantial.

在这个链条的各个环节中,我国最薄弱的是营销环节。In every joint of this chain, market joint is the most unsubstantial one.

“营销能力”是大陆经济链条中最为薄弱的环节。Marketing is regarded to be the most unsubstantial part of China's economy.

但是,高校体育工作仍然是学校教育工作中最为薄弱的工作环节之一。However, the work in university sports is still one of most unsubstantial work.

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连细娜这人也由咄咄逼人的实体褪成一个虚无缥缈的影子。Zeena herself, from an oppressive reality, had faded into an unsubstantial shade.

我该相信连虚无的死神也爱慕你且带你去当他的情妇?。Shall I believe that unsubstantial death is amorous and keeps you in dark to be his paramour?

我国的药品上市再评价刚起步,在该领域的研究非常薄弱。Post-marketing drug assessment is now onset in our country, and the research is unsubstantial.

在当前大学英语教学中,写作教学是一个相对薄弱的环节。Among present college English teaching, writing-teaching is a comparatively unsubstantial link.

她现在变成了室利罗摩克里希纳唯一的真实,世界成为了无实质的影子。She now became to Sri Ramakrishna the only Reality, and the world became an unsubstantial shadow.

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与此相反,理性的思辨真理即在于把对立的双方包含在自身之内,作为两个观念性的环节。Reasonableness, on the contrary, just consists in embracing within itself these opposites as unsubstantial elements.

但在实践过程中,不论是我国还是其它各国,入职教育都是教师教育中最为薄弱的一个环节。But inductive teacher education is the unsubstantial part of teacher education wherever in China and the other countries as well.

因而,农村医疗卫生事业作为卫生工作最基本、最薄弱的部分,政府理所当然应当承担起更大的责任。Thus, as the most basic and unsubstantial part, the government should take charge of more responsibilities as a matter of course.

并提出了防止止水帷幕薄弱处渗流的措施和桩基穿越溶洞的方法,实施效果好。The measures to avoid seepage in unsubstantial zone of seepproof screen and the treatment for piles penetrating caves are mentioned.

近代汉语俗语研究是汉语俗语史研究中一个较为薄弱的环节。The vulgarism study of modern Chinese language is an unsubstantial tache in the history of researching common sayings of Chinese language.

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指出针对薄弱技术环节进行改进,六盘水地区煤层气勘探可望取得突破。If undertaking improvement on unsubstantial technical sectors, it is expected a breakthrough in exploration of the coal seam gas in the Liupanshui area.

然而千篇一律的套话和不能兑现的假话将会大大降低自身的信誉度,所以应该尽量避免。On the contrary, clichs and unsubstantial lies dramatically reduce credibility, which should be averted, according to a source from the matrimonial company.

当前,城市人居环境评价指标体系比较健全,农村人居环境评价指标研究相对薄弱。Till now the academe has established a relatively sound index system of evaluating on the urban residential environment, however, unsubstantial in the rural areas.