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讨论完毕。End of the discussion.

这一点值得商榷。This is open to discussion.

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那是个愚蠢透顶的讨论。It is an asinine discussion.

讨论延期了。This discussion was prorogued.

讨论由谁带头发言?。Whois lead off the discussion?

这是一次令人愉快的讨论。It was an enjoyable discussion.

回到我们先前的讨论。Back to our previous discussion.

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知道何时展开讨论。Know when to table a discussion.

她与我们一起讨论。She joined us in the discussion.

发现问题欢迎和我讨论。Discover and I welcome discussion.

所以这里我将停止对它的讨论。So I will end this discussion here.

感情用事使这次讨论混乱不堪。Emotionalism muddied the discussion.

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许多问题正在讨论。Many questions are under discussion.

一-一个学生讨论、版和计划的讨论会。A subject under debate or discussion.

网站上还有一个耐人寻味的论坛。It also has a meaty discussion forum.

见本章之后讨论。See discussion later in this chapter.

我们今天就主要来讨论这些问题This will frame our discussion today.

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主教先生,我们来扯扯。Egad, Bishop, let's have a discussion.

请在讨论中分享你的反馈。Share your feedback in the discussion.

我们达到讨论被岔开了。We got side-tracked in our discussion.