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哈马斯击败了执政党法塔赫。Hamas defeated the ruling Fateh party.

而最终的裁决将在2016年年中做出。A final ruling is expected in mid-2016.

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但是奥马尔·巴舍尔拒绝这一裁决。But Sudan rejects the ruling. The I. C.

很强大的力量,正支配着地球诞生。Mighty in power, ruling the earth-born.

科学家们迅速的谴责了该裁定。Scientists swiftly condemned the ruling.

法院最近撤销了这项裁决。The court recently reversed that ruling.

该税务裁定具有溯及力。The tax ruling has retrospective effect.

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英特尔已表示将就此裁定进行上诉。Intel has said it would appeal the ruling.

王荣清的兄弟和律师证实了这一消息。His brother and lawyer confirmed the ruling.

双方都有60天的时间来对判决上诉。Both sides have 60 days to appeal the ruling.

帝国主义的好战的统治阶级。The imperialist war-mongering ruling classes.

这老人是个脾气坏的长者。The old man is a ruling elder in this family.

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服饰多以麻、棉织成,或以丝绸裁定。Dress in linen, cotton, or for silk into ruling.

这次判决取消了所有州的最低工资法。This ruling cancels all state minimum wage laws.

中国人习惯于统治跳水台。China's diving squad is used to ruling the board.

这是美国自由的核心原则,也是民主自由之滥觞。”that’s the ruling principle of american freedom?

但,赵说他将会对最后的判决进行上诉。Chao said he would still appeal the latest ruling.

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另一条是“港人治港”。The other was “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong”.

堪萨斯法院的判决为终审判决。In the end, the Kansas Supreme Court ruling stands.

在以CIELAB裁决是根据这一质量。The CIELAB ruling is made according to this quality.