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这就是对艺术的盲目崇拜。This is the fetishism of art.

然而,对艺术的盲目崇拜也是错误的。However, fetishism of art is mistaken, too.

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符号拜物教是符号世界的一种异化现象。Symbol fetishism is a kind of dissimilation in symbol world.

从某种意义上,我们这次会议也是对艺术的盲目崇拜的一个部分。In a sense, this meeting is also a part of the fetishism of art.

符号拜物教是符号世界的一种异化现象。Digital Superstition is the main form of modern symbol fetishism.

尽管这种刑事案件还比较罕见,可是恋足癖本身却非常普通。Though criminal cases are rare, foot fetishism itself is surprisingly common.

拜物主义是死亡的诱惑,包括规则的死亡在反常行为。Fetishism is the seduction of death, including the death of the rule in perversion.

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去魅、自主性和“新”之崇拜是现代艺术的三个核心概念。Demystification , autonomy and "novelty" fetishism are three core concepts of modem art.

尤其被截肢者吸引的人据说都投身于截肢者崇拜主义了。Persons attracted to amputees in particular are said to be engaging in amputee fetishism.

然后,研究网站可用性的大师就会现身,把癖恋风格造成的恶果归咎于设计。Then the usability gurus step in, blaming Design for the failings of stylistic fetishism.

所以,同样再清楚不过的是,甚至“严重的”性恋物癖也并不必定就值得去质疑。It is therefore also clear that even "serious" sexual fetishism is not necessarily problematic.

技术物恋是那么容易的确定它外面强迫更复杂的有创造性的分析。Technology fetishism is so easy to quantify that it forces out the more complex creative analysis.

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齐泽克从马克思对“商品拜物教”的分析出发,揭露了意识形态的不完整性。Slavoj Zizek discloses the non-integrality of ideology via Marx's analyses of "commodity fetishism ".

赤字至上论从来是毫无意义的——国民债务水平仅仅是一国资产负债表的一面。Deficit fetishism never makes sense – the national debt is only one side of a country's balance sheet.

由于英国人对房屋产权的盲目追捧,以及狡猾的美国贷款,英国的银行系统已经受到了一次伤害。The banking system, inflated by British homeowning fetishism and dodgy American loans, has experienced a trauma.

简而言之,当我们讨论性恋物癖时,我们恰恰正在讨论社会背景和恋物嗜好的程度问题。In short, when talking about sexual fetishism , one is talking about a social context and about matters of degree.

商品货币形式中人与人的关系表现为物与物关系的虚幻形式,就是商品货币的拜物教性质。The fetishism property of money is the relation of persons representing the shadowy forms of relation of substances.

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数字化符号拜物教的表现形式主要有数字化犯罪、数字化病毒、数字化黑客、数字化沉溺等。Digital symbol Fetishism manifests itself in digital crime, digital virus, digital hacker, and digital indulgence, etc.

宗教造像便是宗教艺术中雕塑的一个重要门类,它是各类宗教中神祗的物化呈现,是偶像崇拜的具体内容。The woodcarving art is a vital class of religious statuary. It is the substantiation of gods and the content of fetishism.

银行自身也必须找到一个风险管理的中间地带,这个中间地带介于直觉和盲目崇拜数字之间。The banks themselves will have to find a middle ground in risk management, somewhere between gut feeling and number fetishism.