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他得了重病。He was seriously ill.

我严肃地批评了他!I animadversion seriously he!

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凡事何必如此认真呢?Why take it all so seriously?

奈妲严肃地看着她。Naida looked at her seriously.

不要太严肃地生活。Not taking life too seriously.

你把事情看得太认真了。You take things too seriously.

我们为什么就不能跳出去呢?Why don’t we seriously jump out?

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凡事不要太认真。Do not take things too seriously.

是真的我的脚真的很烫!噢,噢。Seriously. My feet are really hot.

他摔了一跤,伤的很严重。He got seriously injured in a fall.

我建议你要把他当回事。I suggest you to take him seriously.

它极其严重地玷污了你的灵魂。It besmirches to the soul seriously.

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长途车司机受伤严重。The coach driver was seriously hurt.

汤姆在战争中受重伤而残废。Tom was seriously maimed in the war.

这件事情你不必太认真。You needn't have taken it seriously.

于是他开始认真对待这个笑话。Dahl began to take his joke seriously.

甬江宁波段污染较重。River in Ningbo is seriously polluted.

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那是从今往后极长的一段时间。That's a seriously long time from now.

他在一次意外事故中受重伤而残废。He was seriously maimed in an accident.

麻疹是应严肃对待的一种疾病。Measles is a disease to take seriously.