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即使是去健身房,Tatiana也不会忘记化妆。Even going to a gym, Tatiana does not forget about makeup.

令人尴尬的第一次经历没有吓退Tatiana。The embarrassing first experience did not scare Tatiana off.

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叶利钦夫妇在大学�相识,并于1956年结婚,育有两个女儿叶琳娜和塔季扬娜。The couple met in college, married in 1956 and have two daughters, Yelena and Tatiana.

17岁时,Tatiana去健身馆减肥,在里面停留了很长时间。At age of 17, Tatiana came to a gym to lose weight, but remained there for a long time.

塔蒂阿娜出生在俄罗斯,但她为澳大利亚撑杆跳运动效力。Tatiana was born in Russia, but she competes for Australia on the pole vault discipline.

希腊皇室王子及其未婚妻抵达宴会现场。Prince Nikolaos of Greece and his fiance Tatiana Blatnik arrive for the Government dinner.

塔提莎和克丽斯塔将在今年秋天上幼儿园,这是她们首次迈入外面的世界。Tatiana and Krista will start kindergarten in the fall, their first major foray into the outside world.

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塔提莎和克丽斯塔·霍根是健康而快乐的4岁女孩,她们分享一切,甚至想法。Tatiana and Krista Hogan are healthy, happy 4-year-olds who share everything — maybe even their thoughts.

塔提莎和克丽斯塔与父母住在不列颠哥伦比亚省弗农小城的一个大家庭。Tatiana and Krista live with their parents and extended family in Vernon, a small city in British Columbia.

正是剧中的表演——更准确地说,是女主角塔提阿娜•玛斯拉尼的表演,给这部剧带来了生命力。It was the performance – or more appropriately, performances – of its leading actress, Tatiana Maslany, that brought this show to life.

在Tatiana和Brittany这个案例中,她们的妈妈作为一个重复的吸毒者被证明没有能力维持一个家庭的完整性。That was the case for Tatiana and Brittany Fowler — whose mother, a repeat drug abuser, proved incapable of keeping the family together.

但是Tatiana作为有三年健身经验的熟练选手,结合她在大学中的学习,休息片刻后决定改变动作项目。Tatiana practiced bodybuilding for three years, but after the break, associated with her studying at the university, she decided to change categories.

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因此,当他被抓到与头号新女孩Tatiana缠绕在一起时,Dragos命令锁上所有的大门和将夜总会舞台变成了战场。Therefore, when he was caught and top new girl, Tatiana intertwined with Dragos command lock all the doors and will nightclub stage has become the battlefield.

著名的厨师,塔蒂亚娜卡多佐,负责管理菜单,充满了美味的肉和海鲜,包括鲈鱼,章鱼,和鸡,以及素食的。Celebrated chef, Tatiana Cardoso, curates the menu, full of delectable meat and seafood dishes, including sea bass, octopus, and chicken, as well as vegetarian meals.

和妻子娜娅·吉列娜拍这张阖影时的叶利钦年仅27岁。叶利钦夫妇在大学�相识,并于1956年结婚,育有两个女儿叶琳娜和塔季扬娜。Former Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, pictured here at 27, with his wife Naina. The couple met in college, married in 1956 and have two daughters, Yelena and Tatiana.