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那么葱爆肉怎么样?How about fried mution with scallion?

青葱常被用来佐制海鲜食品。Scallion is usually used for seasoning seafood dishes.

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胡萝卜和洋葱去皮洗净切成块状,葱洗净切寸段。Wash and trim the scallion. Cut it into inch sections.

好吃义丰葱油饼,在邮局旁边,人排得超多的!Scallion Pancake from a stand right by the postal office.

菜肉馄饨,葱油饼,鹌鹑蛋。The vegetables meat wonton, scallion cake , coturnix egg.

放入葱白和香菇炒香。Add in scallion and black mushrooms, stirring until fragrant.

放入葱白和香菇炒香。Add in scallion and black mushrooms, stirring until fragrant.

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葱油可以提前4天准备并冷却,覆盖。Scallion butter can be made 4 days ahead and chilled, covered.

你现在何不把那些龙虾和姜,葱一起蒸呢?Why do not you steam those lobsters with ginger and scallion now ?

它个子虽小,形态却十分饱满,上面还撒有芝麻和葱花。It looks small, but it is full in shape with sesame and chopped scallion pieces.

本公司致力于面食冷冻食品,“包括葱油饼,抓饼,锅贴”。Our company is specialized in frozen pan cakes, scallion pan cakes, pot stickers, etc.

关掉火,洒入花椒油,花椒面和一半的葱花。Turn off heatsprinkle with chili oil, Szechuan chili powder , to taste, half scallion.

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上笼蒸熟,取出后在表面撒葱丝,浇些热油即成。Steam the croaker till done, remove and sprinkle with scallion shreds, pour on hot oil.

食用时用小碗装羊肉汤,撒上葱花。吃肉喝汤,日食二次。Serve in small bowl with sprinkled scallion shreds. Eat the mutton and drink the soup twice daily.

失野正雄想学曾念安的葱烧海参,被栾学堂巧妙的拒绝了。Loss of wild just male want to learn Ceng Nianan scallion sea cucumber, Luan school clever refused.

那是葱油饼,那是八宝饭,很甜的。想来一点吗?That's green scallion pancake, and that's eight treasure glutinous rice pudding, very sweet. Want some?

另一种起源于中国的小吃,葱油饼是一种外形呈薄片,用葱作为原料的烙饼,都是手工擀制而成。Anotherdish with its roots in China, cong you bing is a flaky scallion pancake made with hand-rolled dough.

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今日在台湾的超市也可买到冷冻的葱油饼皮,消费者可以买回家自行煎熟食用。There are now also frozen scallion crepes that consumers can purchase at supermarkets and then cook at home.

胡萝卜和洋葱去皮洗净切成块状,葱洗净切寸段。Cut the peeled carrot and onions into bite size chunks. Wash and trim the scallion. Cut it into inch sections.

当年意大利著名旅行家马可·波罗在中国旅行时最喜欢吃一种北方流行的葱油馅饼。Then the famous Italian traveler Marco Polo in China like to eat a trip north of the most popular Scallion pie.