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你喜不喜欢上学?。Do you enjoy shool?

你是怎样去上学?How do you go to shool?

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昨天他没吃早饭就上学了。He wanted to shool without breakfast yesterday.

今天早晨他起来晚了,因此匆匆忙忙地去上学。He got up late this morning, so he went to shool in a hurry.

他假托喉痛不到校上课。He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool.

并且,我还是连续五、六年级的校级三好生。Moreover, I still five straight, the sixth grade good shool.

但是高中晚自习的突然停电还是挺美好的,至少,我们可以因这个借口放松一下。To be honest, the sudden blackout of high shool self-study are all beautiful memories.

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但是他们没有给我奖学金,我没有办法提供四年的担保金。But the shool didn't grant me any scholarships, and I am not able to provide sponsor deposits for four years.

而我们扬帆中学是一所乘改革开放的东风,而扬帆启航的私立高级中学。Yangfan High shool is set up as a private high school after the implementation of reform and opening-up policy.

高三是我生活中最艰难的时期,没日没夜的学习,不停的进行模拟考试。The third year of my senior shool life is most difficult for me---study day and night, and non-stop simulated exam.

希看工程是一项旨正在帮手贫平砸庭的掉踪教女童重返校园的齐国性工程。The Hope Project is a nationwide project to help the children of poor families, who are unable to go to school, going back to shool.

中国学生都把英语作为外语学习,除了那些在香港的学生,在那里有好些人把英语作为第一或第二语言。In China students learn English at shool as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.

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小学太长的假期确实给那些双职工家庭造成了困难,他们在外工作,家里又没有老人照顾小孩。Too early vacation in primary shool really poses the difficulty for those families whose parents both work outside and that there are not the olds who could take care of their children.

作为一个诗文作家,唐顺之与心学人物有着密切的交往,并在心学思潮影响下,形成了自己的学术思想。As a writer of poetic prose, Tang Shunzhi had intimate association with personages in shool of mind and formed his own academic thought under the influence of thoughts in school of mind.

在东华大学,教职员工每天上下班基本上都乘坐校车,所以在校车上部署了用于考勤的校园“一卡通”读写机具。In Donghua University, most of teachers go to work and go back home by shool buses every day. So readers of Campus Smard Card are deployed on every shool bus to check teachers' attendance.