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这条路太陡了。The road is so steep.

这条路可是太陡了呀。This road is so steep.

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请勿在陡峭的斜坡上刈草。Do not mow steep slopes.

那座山又高又险。That mountain is high and steep.

一根项链卖这个价钱太贵了。That's very steep for a necklace.

这座山太陡了,骑马上不去。This hill's too steep to ride up.

他的车闸在陡峭的山路上失灵了。His brakes failed on a steep hill.

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没有大山阻—高薄云天。Never a mountain, rocky and steep.

一根项链这个价钱太贵了。That 's very steep for a necklace.

我们爬那个陡坡累得上气不接下气。We were winded by the steep climb.

这上坡路很陡峭及坚难。The ascent was steep and difficult.

虽然他的路程是艰险而陡峻。Though his ways are hard and steep.

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精灵从沈睡中苏醒。The fairy woke up from a deep steep.

是啊。这座山可真够陡的。Yeah. This mountain is really steep.

难以长应付这高这深。Durance deal with that steep or deep.

汽车在陡峭的路上东倒西歪地前进。The car bucketed down the steep road.

我的汽车有时会停的。My car sometimes jibs at a steep hill.

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我的汽车有时遇到陡坡会停的。My car sometimes jibs at a steep hill.

那座山太陡了,不能爬上去。The mountain is too steep to climb up.

这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。The road passes over a steep mountain.