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组织起了本方的防守,并且打进了扳平比分的一球。Organised the defence, and scored Italy’s equaliser.

同样在1970年足总杯决赛重赛中,皮特-伯内蒂带伤出场加时赛。Peter Osgood's equaliser in the 1970 FA Cup Final replay.

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匈牙利前锋西蒙下半场同样有所斩获。Hungarian striker Andras Simon also netted a second half equaliser.

吉尔博托马上回敬一球,阿森纳一度接近扳平比分。Gilberto replied immediately and the visitors came close to an equaliser.

我们能进球,或许那个扳平的乌龙球对我们很幸运,但我们绝对值得得到它。We'll take any goal and maybe the equaliser was lucky, but we fully deserved it.

阿德巴约这粒令人瞠目结舌的进球是这场平局过程中最让人印象深刻的。Adebayor's stunning equaliser was all the more impressive in the context of the tie.

虽然科洛。图雷84分钟的扳平让结局不算太糟,但这无异于一场败仗。Despite Kolo Toure's 84th-minute equaliser and a frantic finale, this felt like a defeat.

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“如释重负,”鲁尼说,“他们利用我的失误打进了扳平的一球,这种事对我来说真是头一遭,感觉很不好受。"It's a relief, " Rooney said. "When they got their equaliser it was a mistake by myself.

他们最后20分钟我看出仍然想扳平比分。They showed that in the last 20 minuteswhen they really came at us trying for that equaliser.

奥巴德伊曾试着在伤停补时扳平比分,但贝尔福德再一次确保红军城门不失。Topi Obadeyi attempted to secure an equaliser in injury-time but Belford was once again aware.

正当西班牙似乎将找到机会时,邓普希将比分改写为2-0。Just when it seemed Spain would find an equaliser Dempsey made it 2-0 after a defensive mix-up.

决赛中,他们先被意大利人攻入一球,下半场最后时刻维尔托德的进球将比分扳平。In the final they came from a goal down against Italy thanks to a last gasp equaliser from Sylvain Wiltord.

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然而范尼二度踢出扳平比分的关键进球,同时也是本赛季第33颗进球,使得皇马最终以和局收场。But Ruud van Nistelrooy's second equaliser of the game, his 33rd goal of the season, secured Real a 2-2 draw.

当时琼斯离球门有30码,而费迪南德则目送传中飞过自己的脑袋。For the equaliser Jones was stranded 30 yards from goal while Ferdinand watched the cross sail over his head.

尤文很早就依靠阿毛里的进球取得了领先,但是下半场被扳平后一直没有机会再次进球。The Bianconeri had taken the lead through Amauri, but couldn't fight back after Gianvito Plasmati's equaliser.

安特卫普在51分钟时再度落后,亚历山德。乔治瑞奥在86分钟的进球将比赛扳成平局。Antwerp fell behind again on 51 minutes, only to snatch an 86th-minute equaliser through Alexandre Di Gregorio.

红黑军团将迪纳塔莱开场不久即攻门得手的功劳彻底抹销,舍甫琴科第30分钟就扳平了比分。The Rossoneri cancelled out an early opener from Antonio Di Natale with Andriy Shevchenko's 30-minute equaliser.

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整场比赛卡迪夫城很努力,他们利用定位球的机会扳平了比分。Cardiff worked very hard and were always dangerous from set- pieces, and that is where their equaliser came from.

贝尼特斯否认里昂的进球是利物浦大举反攻寻找锁定胜局的第二球。Benitez dismissed claims Lyon's equaliser came as a result of Liverpool pushing forward in search of a second goal.

米兰试图扳平比分,卡卡25米开外的射门打在球员身上变线击中门柱。Milan went searching for the equaliser and Kakà hit a stunning effort from 25 metres which deflected on to the post.