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说话的时候,别把唾沫星子喷出来。Don't sputter when you speak.

他开始结结巴巴地回答。He began to sputter his reply.

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引擎发出一阵劈啪声就熄火了。The engine gave a sputter and died.

你们贪婪、自大的唾涎着。You sputter in greed and in arrogance.

地毯上的腊烧的噼啪作响。The little wax fires sputter in the carpet.

一旦银行崩溃,那么人寿保险公司就会破产。IF BANKS go bang, life insurance firms sputter.

这种困难局面还将持续一个月左右。Such a situation will sputter on for a month or so.

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我们的父亲气得涨红了脸,说话开始语无伦次。Our father's face had reddened with rage and he began to sputter.

如果我们再也不会死去了,那么驱动文明的发动机将会立刻熄火并完全停止运转。If we were all immortal, the motor of civilization would sputter and stop.

那儿的空气竟然无预警地开始发出细碎的爆裂声和电流的劈啪声,就像是一股强劲的能量漩涡在那旋绕著。The air itself seemed to crackle and sputter as a vortex of energy began to swirl.

伯南克可以强硬,不过如果流动性没有了经济可强硬不起来。Ben Bernanke can talk tough, but the economy would sputter if the cash stopped flowing.

薄膜结合力受溅射工艺影响并不显著。The binding force of the film was impacted by sputter technological parameter obscurely.

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鹪鹩鸟在溪谷边的岩石上,或旧兔圈里的破瓦罐边叫不停。Wrens sputter around on the ravine rocks and broken crockery from the old rabbit hutches.

探索了利用真空溅射技术在光纤纤芯上沉积纯铝腐蚀敏感膜的工艺。The technics of fabricating pure Al corrosion sensing film with vacuum sputter were groped.

经实验结果显示其硬度与弹性模数皆会随著溅镀功的增加而增加。The results show that the hardness and elastic modulus increase as the sputter power increases.

他们宁愿让车子的马达在高速公路上不断发出劈啪声,也不愿浪费丝毫的时间开往修车铺进行维修。Let their cars sputter for a moment on the freeway and they waste no time heading for the repair shop.

在离子源实验台架上,利用200型强流溅射离子源进行8种元素的负离子出束实验研究。Production study of negative ion beam from 8 kinds of element was performed with 200 Model intensive sputter source.

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将氧化还原聚合物滴在塑料基片上溅射的金薄膜工作电极上形成一层对过氧化氢的敏感膜。A redox polymer is dip-coated on the surface of the sputter thin film gold working electrode on the plastic substrate.

通过溅射的真空蒸发镀膜使超薄切片机上使用的玻璃刀口上带有一层钨膜。Glass knives for ultramicrotome were improved by sputter and evaporating coating cut-ting dege with a film of tungsten.

由实验结果显示,无电镀沉积方式的元件与溅镀沉积的元件特性相符,故可实际应用于TFT-LCD中。The experimental result show that ELP device is comparable to sputter device, which is great enough for TFT-LCDs application.