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痛苦的呼号的回声在我心里回荡。Echoes of cries of pain rever berate in my heart.

事实上,逻辑思维通常做出错误判断,就像你因为太糊涂而严厉斥责自己。In fact, logic usually makes things worse, as you berate yourself for being silly.

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不要责备自己或感觉不好,只要意识到自己的想法,并温和的转移注意力就可以了。Don’t berate yourself or feel bad —just acknowledge the thought, and gently change focus.

共和党议员打算好好教训一下这部法案,因为它同时摧毁了升斗小民的工作机会、又对大型企业偏心地施舍。Republicans plan to berate the bill as both a job-destroyer and a handout to big business.

如果你为自己指定的目标过高而感到自己无法达到,也不要因此而责备自己。If you set the bar too high and you already feel as if you're slipping, don't berate yourself.

你从来不会看到他情绪失控,不会见到他摔球拍,也不会看到他和裁判较劲。You never see him lose his cool. Never see him break a racket. Never see him berate an umpire.

我参加过这样的会议,总裁允许自己连续半小时地漫谈、咆哮、和严责。I've been in meetings where the CEO allowed himself to ramble, rant, and berate for a half hour straight.

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被Johnson训斥了三年后,这个6-3的后卫准备好帮助达拉斯争夺总冠军了。After three years of hearing Johnson berate him, the 6-3 point guard is ready to help lead Dallas to a championship.

不,对于令人尴尬的真相,这个充满不安全感的自大狂几乎肯定会予以否认,并斥责报道真相的媒体。No, the insecure egomaniac-in-chief will almost surely deny awkward truths, and berate the media for reporting them.

当人们谴责他们无视传统时,他们就会打出致命的、不容置疑的爱国主义招牌予以回击。When the people berate them for ignoring tradition, they respond by brandishing a virulent and intolerant nationalism.

你照镜子,责怪自己又胖了,然后只能沮丧和无望。You look in the mirror, berate yourself for gaining weight and then give in to feelings of depression and hopelessness.

现在有所改变的是我不再责备自己在网球上没有足够的天赋,因为我已经确切地知道想要达到一个优秀的水准需要怎么做。What's changed is that I don't berate myself any longer for falling short. I know exactly what it would take to get to that level.

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如果有人读过这些东西后真正成为火星探险者,随时回来找我,批评我对你的不自信。If, sometime after reading this, you become an actual explorer of Mars, feel free to look me up and berate me for my lack of faith in you.

我实在是花了太长时间,我慌张的弄完头发穿好衣服收拾完之后,下楼时还想着他一定会责怪我的,但是他说"快听"。I was taking so long and I was panicking about my hair, my clothes, everything, and I came downstairs expecting him to really berate me but he said, 'Listen to this!'

我们常常听到诸如绿色和平之类的组织严厉斥责大型能源项目,然而,事实告诉我们,现在各国政府已经远远落后于公众和商业呼声之后了。We are used to hearing groups such as Greenpeace berate big energy, yet the truth is that it's now governments who are lagging behind both public and business opinion.

比如,如果无爱夫妻的一方生病了,他或她的配偶就不能再去医院酣畅淋漓地骂上一通——抱怨医疗费该有多高了。For instance, if one member of a loveless couple got sick their spouse could no longer visit them in the hospital to berate them about how much that medical bill is going to cost.

如果你非判断地观察自己的行为、但带着持续改善的愿望,你将比严责自己、或原谅或替自己的缺点辩护要收获多得多的东西。If you observe your own behavior non-judgmentally, but with the constant desire to improve, you will get much farther than if you berate yourself, or excuse or justify your shortcomings.

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现在,我们常听到我们如何地忙,相隔太远,太事业狂,太自私,太把将老人带入我们的生活当回事,我们这样责备自己。Now, we often hear how we're all too busy, too geographically dispersed, too careerist, too selfish, too something to move an elderly parent into our households. We berate ourselves for it.

他们为自己定立一个高不可及的标准,并为不完美而深深自责,这种对身体的苛求使你享受生活的乐趣受到了限制。They hold themselves up to an unattainable standard and berate themselves for failure of perfection. Imposing harsh judgments on your body limits the range of experiences you allow yourself to enjoy.