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然而符号学却第一次给她带来了一丝激进的味道。Semiotics was the first thing that smacked of revolution.

就乳癌的症状来说,手术意味着肿瘤是恶性的。In the semiotics of breast cancer, surgery means malignancy.

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符号学涉及几乎任何学科。Semiotics has expanded into every imaginable aspect of thought.

符号学是当代西方文化学术研究的一个热点。Semiotics is a hot point in western contemporary learning study.

符号学即是人与游戏动漫沟通的桥梁。Semiotics is the bridge between people and the Game and Animation.

第四章揭示了符号圈理论独特的对话性机制。Chapter Four reveals the unique dialogic mechanism of Cultural Semiotics.

符号学的发展为翻译研究提供了一个全新的视角。The development of semiotics throws wholly new light on the translation studies.

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皮尔士符号学对雅柯布森语言学思想具有极大影响。Peirce's Semiotics has great intellectual influence on Jakobson's linguistic thoughts.

符号论研究这种诸如符号传播和规则支配其自身的运用。Semiotics studies the way such "signs" communicate and the rules that govern their use.

雅克布森是第一个吸收皮尔士符号理论的语言学家。Roman Jakobson, a famous linguist, is the first person that adopts the permian semiotics.

符号学涉及结构主义“,我们下节课会讲到结构主义。Semiotics evolves into what is called "structuralism," which we'll be considering next week.

不过,到了第五个星期,出于一些完全与课堂无关的原因,符号学开始变得有些道理了。But then, in Week Five, for reasons that were entirely extracurricular, semiotics began making sense.

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针对这些现象,以皮尔士的符号学原理作为本文的理论基础和出发点进行分析和阐释。Be aimed at these phenomenons, the essay based on the theory of Pierce's Semiotics to analyse and explain.

格尔兹的经典之作,它是运用符号观点的文化定义对巴厘历史文化与现实所作的文本式阐释。It applies cultural definition of semiotics to give text type interpretation for the history and reality of Boli.

这首诗就是对传统语义积累的“打磨”,或者说是对传统语义符号学的拒绝。The poem enacts an erosion of accumulated meanings or perhaps simply a turn away from a semiotics of accumulated meaning.

在第二千禧年的最后十年,我们有所谓的「文化战争」,语意学每天快速地繁殖不已。In the last decade of the second millennium, we have our so-called cultural wars, the semiotics of such proliferating each day.

卡茨向我挑战,建议为撒达特每天的表现作分析,以展示符号语言学可以如何应用。Elihu Katz challenged me at the time to show what semiotics could do, by proposing a day-by-day analysis of Sadat's performance.

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过去我满以为能把语言学、社会语言学、符号学用于翻译问题的研究,未免过于乐观。I myself was too optimistic about the possibility of applying linguistics, sociolinguistics, and semiotics to the issues of translation.

现代符号学有两个学术传统——欧洲结构主义符号学和美国实用主义逻辑符号学。It enjoys a strong explanatory power. Modern semiotics has two traditions-European structualistic semiotics and American logic semiotics.

1985年之前她受到戏剧符号学研究的影响,重新审视戏剧翻译,认为戏剧翻译的评价标准是“可表演性”。Before 1985 Bassnett following the research of theatre semiotics holds that performability should be a prerequisite for theatre translator.