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乐德维尔了卓尔齐的水平26和发展它。Le vel up Drow zee to level 26 and evolve it.

主体的基础在于第一轮迴的基本运作。The subject is grounded in the vel of the first essential operation.

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企业的各利益相关者都十分关注企业的发展能力或成长性。All stakeholders pay attention to the de vel op ment ability of the enterprise.

满月抛下的阴影,落在碎石车道上,是否像我的身影?Or the full moon throw a shadow over the gra vel of the drive, that was like me?

在黑格尔的精神现象学,我们替「二者选一」这个疏离的驱力,找到自圆其说的正当理由。It is in Hegel that I have found a legitimate justification for the term alienating vel.

在加拿大,这个阶段的学生和十几岁的青少年都是青春期前的孩子。In Canada, students at that le vel are youth in their preteen years as well as teenagers.

锁德维尔-如果选中此复选框,所有目标具有相同名称被迫具有相同的速度。Lock Vel – if this box is checked, all targets with the same name are forced to have the same velocity.

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VEL是除了理论和实验之外的第三种科学研究与工程设计方法和形式。The VEL is the third scientific research and engineering design way in addition to theory and experiment.

SDC输出的模拟速度信号VEL还可以作为速度反馈信号以构成火炮伺服系统中的速度回路。Anolog speed signal VEL from SDC is also taken as speed feedback signal to form speed loop in gun servo system.

有一个欲望驱力值得详加说明,为了区别它跟这个驱力,这个二者选一的驱力的其它用途,有所不同。There is a vel that is worth illustrating, in order to differentiate it from the other uses of the vet, of the or.

身体素质是人体健康的重要组成部分,儿童青少年时期的身体素质水平与其成年后的健康状况密切相关。Physical fitness is an important component of human health, and its le vel in adolescence is closely associated with health status in adulthood.

VEL提供给用户一种共享资源、技术交流、远程控制、共同研究、协同工作的分布式解决问题的环境。The VEL provides a distribution solution environment of resource share, technology exchange, remote control, collaborative research, collaborative work.

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关天焙,男,1979.7出生,上海文广科技发展公司所属幻维数码影视有限公司青年技术管理。Guan Tianbei, male, born in July 1979, is employed at Motion Digital Studios subordinate to Shanghai Wenguang Science & Technology De vel op ment Co. , Ltd.

在此基础上,应用预瞄跟随理论提出了描述驾驶员在给定目标车速前提下对汽车行驶速度进行控制的模型。Then based on preview follower theory, a driver velocity control model that describes how the driver follows and controls vehicle velocity under the precondition of the given target vel.

高职生入学时英语基础参差不齐,实行分级教学,合理运用教材教法,有助于提高学生的英语水平。Because of the different English le vel of the freshmen, it is helpful to the students to raise their English Level if grading teaching, suitable textbooks and teaching methods are applied.