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让我们防止不公正的行为。Let us arm against injustice.

人民受尽了不公正的压迫。The people groaned under injustice.

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这是极大的社会不公正。This is the great social injustice.

不公正比全面毁灭来得好。Injustice is preferable to total ruin.

法律保护人民的正当权益不受侵犯。The law defends people from injustice.

不平的感觉将不再跟随着你。And injustice will no longer stalk you.

社会生活的本质在于其不公正性。The essence of social life is injustice.

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没有爱不可以原谅的不公平。Theres no injustice that love cannot forgive.

人们仍在不公平之下受折磨。The people are still groaning under injustice.

不正义的事情已经发生了,而这件事将得到昭雪。An injustice has been done. It will be righted.

在叛逆者的宇宙中,死亡颂扬不公。In the rebels universe, death exalts injustice.

在叛逆者的宇宙中,死亡颂扬不公。In the rebel s universe, death exalts injustice.

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但为何我们要因为赞美不公而感到羞愧But why should we be ashamed to praise injustice?

他们不停的咆哮以抗议这事的不公。They ranted and raved at the injustice of it all.

她怒气冲冲地说判决的不公平。She popped off about the injustice of the verdict.

他们为了公平斗争了多年。They have warred against injustice for many years.

当不义成为法律时,抵抗也就成为责任。When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

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他的一生都在与不公平作斗争。All his life he has been struggling against injustice.

人确是很不义的,确是忘恩负义的。Verily , man is given up to injustice and ingratitude.

一个真正的男人不会害怕,不公的后果。A real man does not fear the consequences of injustice.